Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tues., 6/18/24, Hoed the rest of the garden, Bill took the trash out, took 2 chipmunks to visit their relatives, sat out on deck, FaceTimed with Kenzie, Peyton and Rehvyn, put more chlorine in pool, Chalie admitted to hospital,

Garden with rows all hoed.  Bill has to do in between rows with tiller.
Sat on my bench in the garden and watched the fish.  Nice view the other way too
This is the only Oriole feeder the orioles like this year.  Just holds jelly and oranges.

I went out and hoed 4 more rows of corn and a row of radishes.  I also did under the electric fence and around the posts so Bill can get the rest with the tiller.  I might be getting one more of these.  The jelly stays so nice because it’s covered.  I started a load of   sheets and pillow cases before I went out to hoe.  I hung them out on the line to dry.  Consumers  charges extra for electricity between 10 a.m and 7 p.m., so I try not to pay them more.  I usually get what I need done before 10.   

Bill and I met at Kroger to get gas.  He left a few minutes later than me from home since I had to drop off a chipmunk.  He filled our tanks and we saved $1 per gallon.  Thank you Kimmy for putting your points from your swings on my number.  That was so nice and thoughtful of you.  We came home and I put a gallon of chlorine Bill picked up today in the pool.  These hight temperatures every day make the chlorine go faster.  Bummer because I had to run the filter and pay Consumer’s more.  Only ran it for an hour though.  Sue called for prayer.  Charlie had a test and also his other lung drained.  Then they sent him to St. Mary’s Hospital because he isn’t eating and is losing so much weight.  We sure are  concerned about him and are praying for him and for Sue.  Hard things they are going through right now.  They are like family to us.

I read my Bible outside on the deck and enjoyed watching birds afterwards.  The hummingbird was happy I had filled the feeder with fresh sugar water.  I took my window one off and emptied it and put new in too.  I see why I’m not getting anymore hummingbirds at it.  It was so hot, it would burn them if they drank from it.  I moved it to the window under the overhang of the roof.  I couldn’t imagine it being that hot.  Wow!

I booked the date for Max’s graduation party at our church for August 11.  I did quite a bit of calling back and forth between Melissa and Tina.  You have to be a member to rent it, but because Bill and I are members, we can rent it for them Tina said.  Yay!  They also waive the fee and don’t charge for it if you book it on a Sunday.  Yay again.  That’s when Melissa  and Bruce wanted to have it anyhow.  She was happy to have that done and I was happy to help her.  

I caught another chipmunk and took and dropped it off too.  I like Lela’s method of catching them.  Easy and they seem to go in regularly.  How many chipmunks can a household have?????  Sure seems non stop. 

Peyton and Kenzie FaceTimed me.  They were having fun running off pictures of family members and cutting them to make a Guess Who game with all of our pictures.  Peyton is loving spending time at Kenzie’s and Kenzie is loving having her.  

Bill grilled burgers and I made potatoes to grill too.  Also had asparagus and string beans. 

We relaxed in the evening.  I talked to Melissa and Vikki today.   


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