Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thurs., 6/13/24, Put things that could be affected by thunderstorms away on the deck, I went to Meijer and Jack’s, Jack, Bill and I went to Culver’s for lunch (I just had a free kid’s sundae) Jack and Bill moved the little shed of the shed deck and power washed that deck,

Evan and his chapel buddy (the little girl) praying in a circle on their last day of school in chapel
Kit Kat was pretty comfy when I went outside to sit on the swing

I was in Meijer and I looked down the aisle and saw this man and started crying.  He looks so much like my dad who I miss so much!  I used to take him to Meijer a lot and have such great memories of being there with him.  I thanked God for reminding me of just how special my dad was and how much I miss him.  Happy because of Jesus, I will see him again!
Bill and Jack in the front seat on our way for me to let a chipmunk out the back door where his relatives are located.  We went to Culver’s for lunch after that.  We were happy to run into our friend, Joaquin, there. .
Selfie when we got home
Bill and Jack took turns power washing the shed deck.  First the moved the little shed off the deck which meant emptying it.  Thank you Jack for helping papa!

Lantana plants from Boehler’s

I forgot what this plant is.  I will have to ask Kimmy as she gave it to me.

Cute toy I got for Rehvyn for 50 cents at a garage sale.  Vikki looked it up and they are $8 and have a 5 star rating

I got up at 8 and Bill got up at 8:30.  I started laundry right away, then went out and filled jelly feeders. The orioles like the jelly instead of the liquid feeders this year for some reason.  I put a capful of the weekly pool stuff in and started the pool filter.  Ran it until 10 when electricity doubles until 7.  I sat outside on the deck and ate breakfast and drank my coffee.  I gave Kit Kat her attention for the morning.  Then I went out and fed the fish and sat on my new bench and watched them.  Such a peaceful place to sit too.  I saw that it was supposed to thunderstorm in the afternoon with possible hail, so I put things I didn’t want broken or ruined away.  I went to Meijer for suet and chlorine tablets that were on sale and Jacks. for 50 lbs. of bird feed for $16.99.  My birds will be happy.  I went to a couple of garage sales too and got a couple of cute little toys for Rehvyn that I think he will really like.  I talked to Kimmy, Melissa, Vikki and Kenzie today.  I was happy when Jack walked in after I got home.  Bill picked him up to spend time with him.  I told him how happy I was to see him and have him spend time with us.  Bill and Jack played ping pong for a while, then we all went to Culver’s.  Jack had a double cheeseburger and fries, and Bill had chicken strips and fries.   Jack had a concrete mixer too.  I just got a free hot fudge kids sundae.  Bill shared his fries with me too.  Bill ran into 3 guys who used to work for him that were eating there.  
When we got home, Bill and Jack took the stuff out of the little shed, and moved the shed to the side of the big shed.  Then Bill taught Jack how to power wash the deck.  Jack did a great job and has a great work attitude too.  So nice that grandkids love helping us.  He wants to help Eli stain that deck when we are ready to.  When they were done, they came in for a few minutes, then Bill took Jack home on the motorcycle because Jack wanted to ride on it.  I took pictures and a video.  I read my Bible on the deck.  I’m reading Job now.  Sure is a good lesson on how we should worship God even when we go through tough times because of all God has done for us and given us.  

Kimmy called to get an idea of prices at Boehlers.  They were better than the Meijer prices for pepper plants she checked.  I sent her some Apple Cash because I wanted her to pick up a lantana plant.  I love the ones I got there.  She found two little ones she loved the color of and got those instead of one big one.  Things from Boehlers always grow good, so hers will be as big as mine in no time.  Bill got home and we ate left over chicken noodle casserole for dinner.  It is so yummy warmed up.  I watered the new plants Kimmy gave me the other day.  I sure want them to make it.   It rained this morning, but not enough to do the plants a whole lot of good.  Better than nothing though.  Our garden is doing great after watering it last night.  No more wilted plants and the corn is about an inch high and so are the radishes.  The flower seeds I planted are popping up now too.

I sat out on the deck and watched birds this evening.  Bill was tired and snoozed in his recliner.  He worked hard today.  I enjoyed seeing lots of nice birds. I talked to Vikki again for a while.  It never did thunderstorm out and we didn’t even get rain.  


Anonymous said...

Perennial geranium. Kimmys gift. Love hearing from you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. Lela.