Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thurs., 6/6/24, Vikki, Peyton, Kimmy, Adam, Hope and Eli came over to spend the day, the kids swam, we all worked together putting the solar cover at the end of pool on posts, Evan celebrated his birthday with a few school friends, and Jack and Connor, rained when we were done

Hope and Adam skimming the pool
Peyton and Eli
Hope, Adam, Peyton, and Eli....everyone’s first swim in the pool of the year except Peyton
Hope and Adam relaxing in the pool
Hope, Eli, and Peyton
Adam and Papa working together to move the post to a new hole
Kenzie came and right away pitched in
Great Grandpa, Grammy Vikki and Rehvyn
Me and Bill and Great Grandson Rehvyn
Hailey and Rehvyn
My twins are the best helpers and really think things through to get it done right
The oriole finally came to the close jelly feeder.  I was in the house though so took the picture from inside
Yay the cover is on and we don’t have to walk one end all the way around the pool anymore.  
Four finches on the finch feeder while I was inside too
I got this metal hanger at Wild Bird’s Unlimited.  It was the last one and they had it hanging on their wall.  The guy took it off the wall for me and sold it to me.  Vikki, Kimmy and Eli hung it today and Vikki wired my Bluejay bird feeder so it hangs where it faces sideways so you can see it better. 
Vikki FaceTimed me to show me Rehvyn dancing.  He sure is cute and dances to the beat.  

Evan celebrated his 13th birthday today with his mom and dad,  brother Jack, and friends at Bavarian Inn Lodge
Daniel, Evan, Adam, Max in background, Jack and Connor

I planted a Kale plant and a burpless cucumber plant.  I also moved a few plants because they were too close to the electric fence and it would be hard for Bill to get the tiller around them.  After that, I washed off the outside tables and put cushions on the swings and chairs under the gazebo.  I had put them away for yesterday’s thunderstorm.  Wes came and picked up at case of Bibles to pass out for our CMA group at Mackinac this weekend for the Blessing of the Bikes.  Bill had a doctor appointment.  

Everyone got here at the same time, except Kenzie came later to drop off Rehvyn.  Kimmy and I went out and planted two plants Kimmy brought me.  One is Thyme and she’s going to let me know what the other one is.  They are going to be so nice in the garden.  Then all of us but Peyton
 had coffee and sat outside under the gazebo.  The kids all decided to go swimming.  They stayed in pretty long for it being a cooler day and the pool only being open for a few days.  It’s always a joy to hear them all having fun together in the pool.  Vikki fixed and rehung some of my bird feeders.  Kimmy assisted.  I was happy to get my hanger I got at Wild Bird’s Unlimited.  It is so cute.   We ate sandwiches and chips for lunch.  Bill brought home 4 boxes of Girl Scout cookies he got for free and we ate three of those boxes too.  Peyton took one home that Papa gave her.   His doctor wants him to have a Stress Test, so they are scheduling that.  I got a call and have an appointment in Brighton for my hand towards the end of this month.  

Adam dug the holes for where we are putting the posts in for the solar cover reel to go.  Eli helped some too.  We all were excited when Rehvyn got here.  Of course we were excited to see Kenzie too.  Kenzie got right to work shoveling.  Kenzie ate a sandwich and hung out for a little bit, then she had to leave.  Bill put all of the clips for the solar cover on, and we tried to roll up the cover, but it kept getting caught on the edges.  Then Vikki said we would put the clips farther out and not on the edge and I remembered that’s how they had to go.  We all took the cover off and laid it on the ground, then we folded it and Kimmy and Vikki put clips on the fold.  We tried it again, but realized the posts had to be moved up too.  Adam came out and dug two more holes and he and papa moved the posts to their new position.  After much adjusting straps by us girls, we got it to where it works pretty good now.  It was really windy out, so it will be much easier on a calm day.  Hailey came over while we were working on all of this and watched Rehvyn.  She loves him and is just so good with him.  He sure is the best smiliest baby!  Hailey had to leave to go home.  I checked on her to see if she was home safe and sound.  Her car quit working today on her way home from work.  Bruce said he thought it was ok now, so she came over with me ready to help if she called.  All went well.  We put everything away and the kids got their suits and towels off the line.  Then everyone headed to games or home.  Soon afterwards we got a downpour and lots of wind.  When it stopped everything was still and our flag wasn’t moving anymore.  I looked at my plants planted today and they all looked good.  Bill and I read our Bibles and then relaxed and had cashews and M & M’s for a snack.  It was a very busy but very fun day.  Thank you everyone for all of you help.  I love my family!



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