Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday, 6/21/24, Went to Meijer, Sam’s Club and Aldi, saw Bill volunteering at Sam’s Club, Charlie was able to eat some today, Kimmy, Adam, Eli, Vikki, Melissa, Evan and Jack came over,

Isaac and Peyton are having so much fun at Kenzie’s with her and Rehvyn
Adam trying out the new toy Vikki found for the pool.  He had the pool all to himself
Jack...I was just going to get a picture of Jack, Evan and Eli in the pool and it thundered and they had to get out
The boys had fun playing ping pong
Jack and Evan playing the Guess Who game with our pictures in it as replacements.  Melissa and Eli watching
Jack, Eli with a big smile for once (he hasn’t been smiling lately in lots of my pictures) and Evan
Roger and Bill volunteering to raise money for the Marine Corp. League at Sam’s Club.  

I went to get groceries for our camping trip.  Went to Meijer first, then went to Sam’s Club to see Bill when he started volunteering.  I talked to him and Roger for a while, then went in and shopped.  Thought to myself that I needed to take a picture of them when I went out, which I forgot to do.  I talked to them, made a donation and completely forgot to take the picture.  I did tell Vikki that her dad was going to be there volunteering.  She went to see him and took the picture I put on this blog.  I was so happy when I saw it.  

I called Kimmy to see where she was, and she was at the 7-11 right by my house.  She got to my house about 5 minutes before I got home.  Vikki came next.  She was by herself because Peyton and Isaac were at Kenzie’s.  We FaceTimed with them a few times during the day.  
The kids sure are having fun there.   I brought groceries in while Kimmy did an amazing job trimming my lilac bush in front that had gotten too big and bushy.  Adam and Eli hauled the branches to the fire pit for her.  It was very hot and muggy out.  We came in the house and had coffee and muffins.  Adam went for a swim by himself.  We watched him through the window while we ate.  Vikki took out the big toy she found and he tried it out.   He got done swimming and changed.  Then Melissa, Jack and Evan got here.  Jack, Eli and Evan got ready and went in the pool.  They had just got in and it thundered out, so they all had to get out.  I didn’t even get the picture I was going to take.  Evan helped me cover the pool before he got out.  It is easy when someone in pulls it while in the pool.  Melissa, Vikki, Kimmy, Jack and I sat out under the gazebo while it was raining.  Then it started pouring, so we came in the house.  We all took turns playing the Guess Who game with our pictures.  It was so fun playing and watching others play it.  Melissa and the kids had to leave because they had to get ready to go to Luke’s graduation party tonight.  Kimmy, Vikki, Eli and I went to Warmbler’s to look at their cement figurines.  There were lots of cool ones.  We went inside after that.  I hadn’t been there since going with my mom and sisters years ago.  This place had so many amazing things inside it.  It was so much fun looking at everything.  They closed at 5, so we need to go back sometime soon.  It rained more when I got home.  We got around 3 inches in our rain gauge.  Lots of down pours til night time.  

I talked to Sue, and Charlie was able to eat a little food today and also drank two Boost drinks.  I was so happy to hear that.  Keeping him in prayer lots.  


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thurs. June 20, 2024, Caught a raccoon, haven’t seen any chipmunks, went to RV places to look for vents, spent the afternoon at Vikki’s, went to Sam’s Club

Lily from Kenzie opened today.  It has two more blossoms on it.
We got an inch of rain last night.  Sure made stuff in the garden grow.  Peyton sure planted those rows of corn straight.  
Adam at Vikki’s talking to Hope on his phone
Isaac had fun in the basement with his oculus
Hailey came out and talked to us when we got to their house too pick up Eli
Eli before they left our driveway.  
Hydrangeas are beautiful
Carpet roses are just amazing this year
Knock out roses are so pretty too
Day lilies are amazing this year
My ferns have multiplied out in the little woods.  I started out with two of this kind and now have 15.  I moved 3 along the north side of the house.  I love ferns.

Bill had to get up early because he had to have a stress test at 7:30.  It was a nuclear stress test.  He blacked out when having it done because his blood pressure dropped low.  Praying for good results.  We went to Midland to the RV place where we got our motorhome to find a vent with a fan Bill liked.  We didn’t see any we liked there.  We went to Camping World after that and got one there.  We picked up a collapsible ottoman for Wes and Gayla for their camper.  Gayla has wanted one, but don’t think she has got one yet.  We decided to surprise her.  Bill dropped me off at Vikki’s on our way back to Saginaw to visit with her and Kimmy.  She made us French Toast with strawberries and syrup when we got there.  Bill ate his plain and cold.  Yuck.  Mine were delicious.  He left to go home.  I called Melissa to see if Bruce was home working on call.  He was.  I asked her if he could go help dad with the vent for the camper.  I didn’t want Bill getting up on the roof with his knee replacements, sore leg and then almost passing out today.  I was happy when Bruce said he’d call and go over right away.  He got there before Bill did.  He measured and took pictures of what Bill wanted to see up there.  We have such great son in laws.  They are really Bonus Sons.  

Kimmy had to take Adam to his soccer practice, so we left Vikki’s at 5:30 to go pick up Eli.  He was supposed to be ready when we got there, but there was a mix up in communication and Eli’s phone battery was very low, so we had to drive around their subdivision and find them.  We drove around Melissa’s section and didn’t find them, so went the other direction.  We found them pretty fast and were happy about that as we thought we were going to have to stop and pick up a blue shirt for Adam.  Everything worked out and Jared was going to bring the shirt.  We went back to Melissa’s and picked up Eli’s stuff and then headed to my house.  When we got to my house Adam and I went in and he went to the bathroom, while I filled his water jug with ice and cold water.  Then they left and had plenty of time to make it there on tie because Adam always likes to be early.  Good thing since they needed the extra time this time.

We both ate Kenzie’s spaghetti she sent home with me.  It was so good again tonight.  I went to Sam’s Club and got things I needed for our camping trip.  Tomorrow I will get the rest of what I need at Meijer, Aldi and Jack’s.  I loaded some stuff I got in the camper.  

I got the tent out of the camper with Bill’s help and will set it up tomorrow to make sure everything is there that’s needed for Hailey and Brianna when they come the 28th and 29th and anyone else who comes up and wants to sleep in the tent during our 2 week stay..  It’s a nice 6 person tent.  Bill gave me a battery powered fan that has a light around it they can use too, and I have inflatables for their sleeping bags to go on.  We have to get planning our yearly Tawas Day because we all always look forward to that.  

I set the raccoon trap again, just to make sure I got them all.  Had to spray it out good from the messy raccoon this morning.  


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wed., 6/19/24, Bill tilled the big garden, I hoed the small garden, Charlie came home from the hospital, Went to Kenzie to hang out with her, Rehvyn and Peyton,

The garden looked so nice after Bill tilled it this morning
Kenzie FaceTimed me and showed me Rehvyn sleeping.  I said aww he’s so sweet and he smiled.  He smiled bigger than the picture below, but I only caught the end of his smile
So precious
Me and my smiley boy
Kenzie filled this silicone fruit holder with fruit Rehvyn can have.  he loved sucking on it
He took it out and looked at it, then put it right back in his mouth
Kenzie and Peyton changed all the pictures on this Guess Who game to our family.  We had so much fun playing it today when I was there.  So many laughs and so many fun questions to ask because we know everyone well.  She sent it home with me so everyone can have a chance to play it.  
Kenzie and I playing Guess Who
Peyton and I playing Guess Who
Our small garden with squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, rhubarb and two blueberry bushes in it
I hoed the whole thing so Bill wouldn’t try to till it in the heat.   I was plenty hot when I got done, but I know to have my water bottle close by and take drinks when needed.  He makes me a little nervous in hot weather, because he forgets to drink when he works and gets hot and tired.

Bill tilled the garden right after he got up.  He did the whole thing at once and it was 80 already when he started.  No breeze today either.  Sue called and said Charlie was waiting for a bed at the hospital all night.  The doctor wanted to put a feeding tube in, but Charlie said no.  She wanted me to take the phone out so Bill could hear her tell me this too.  Well, I walked out there and Bill looked like he was going to pass out.  I quick came in the house and took him out a water, which he started drinking right away.  Then I got an outdoor chair and put it close by him so he sat down for a while.  He had been leaning against the trailer.  He gave me a good scare.  That’s why I want a smaller garden, but he says he’s always wanted a big garden.  Tomorrow is his stress test at 7:30 a.m.  Praying for good results.  
He sure has exercised before.  

Bill went to visit Charlie in the hospital, then he picked up Max and they went to St. Charles to pick up a bow string Bruce had ordered for Max.  Later on, Bruce, Max and Bill went to Field and Stream.  Bill left there early to go to the Marine Corp. League Meeting.  He ate a burger there before the meeting.  They sent Charlie home from the hospital.  He wouldn’t let them put in a feeding tube and didn’t want to do what they were telling him.  He was upset because they couldn’t help him.  So home he came.  Praying God helps him decide what the right thing to do is.  

Kenzie called in the afternoon and asked me if I wanted to come over and spend time with her, Peyton and Rehvyn.  Of course, I said yes.  I got ready, then left.  Kenzie called to see where I was and I told her St. Charles.  Then she called again and I was on her road almost to her house. We visited for a few minutes,  and then went to McDonalds and I got the girls  McFlurries, They both wanted Oreo with extra Oreos.  Kenzie laughed because they asked if I wanted to use my Mobile App, and I said no, but I want to use a code.  Silly me....the code is on my phone app.  We went to get her small propane tank filled after that.  Kenzie surprised me and brought me out cinnamon roasted almonds.  I tried some on the way  back to her house.  I couldn’t just eat one, I will tell you that much.  Those girls wouldn’t let me carry Rehvyn in in his carseat and wouldn’t let me carry the propane tank either.  They both carried everything.   I held Rehvyn for a long time and played with him, then Kenzie came and got him so I could play Guess Who with Peyton.

We played about 3 games.  It was fun with family because we could ask questions like,  Who would swim at Aunt Debbies for her Bavarian Party.  I played 3 games with Kenzie too.  It was amazing how much fun it was.  Kenzie and Peyton played after that and I got Rehvyn back.  I got to feed him his bottle which he drank super fast.  He loves being able to eat bananas, carrots, and the good tasing baby foods.  He sucked on his silicone fruit holder for a long time and loved it.   He was so excited when he saw it. Kenzie made delicious spaghetti for us.  It was so goo and so was the fruit drink she made and gave me.  They sure were good to their nana and made me very happy.   I left around 6:30 and headed home.  I sure had fun!  I sat outside for a while, then talked to Melissa out there and decided it was too hot and muggy out there and came in the house where it was cool.  Bill got home and we reclined on our loveseat recliners and I caught up on his day..     


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tues., 6/18/24, Hoed the rest of the garden, Bill took the trash out, took 2 chipmunks to visit their relatives, sat out on deck, FaceTimed with Kenzie, Peyton and Rehvyn, put more chlorine in pool, Chalie admitted to hospital,

Garden with rows all hoed.  Bill has to do in between rows with tiller.
Sat on my bench in the garden and watched the fish.  Nice view the other way too
This is the only Oriole feeder the orioles like this year.  Just holds jelly and oranges.

I went out and hoed 4 more rows of corn and a row of radishes.  I also did under the electric fence and around the posts so Bill can get the rest with the tiller.  I might be getting one more of these.  The jelly stays so nice because it’s covered.  I started a load of   sheets and pillow cases before I went out to hoe.  I hung them out on the line to dry.  Consumers  charges extra for electricity between 10 a.m and 7 p.m., so I try not to pay them more.  I usually get what I need done before 10.   

Bill and I met at Kroger to get gas.  He left a few minutes later than me from home since I had to drop off a chipmunk.  He filled our tanks and we saved $1 per gallon.  Thank you Kimmy for putting your points from your swings on my number.  That was so nice and thoughtful of you.  We came home and I put a gallon of chlorine Bill picked up today in the pool.  These hight temperatures every day make the chlorine go faster.  Bummer because I had to run the filter and pay Consumer’s more.  Only ran it for an hour though.  Sue called for prayer.  Charlie had a test and also his other lung drained.  Then they sent him to St. Mary’s Hospital because he isn’t eating and is losing so much weight.  We sure are  concerned about him and are praying for him and for Sue.  Hard things they are going through right now.  They are like family to us.

I read my Bible outside on the deck and enjoyed watching birds afterwards.  The hummingbird was happy I had filled the feeder with fresh sugar water.  I took my window one off and emptied it and put new in too.  I see why I’m not getting anymore hummingbirds at it.  It was so hot, it would burn them if they drank from it.  I moved it to the window under the overhang of the roof.  I couldn’t imagine it being that hot.  Wow!

I booked the date for Max’s graduation party at our church for August 11.  I did quite a bit of calling back and forth between Melissa and Tina.  You have to be a member to rent it, but because Bill and I are members, we can rent it for them Tina said.  Yay!  They also waive the fee and don’t charge for it if you book it on a Sunday.  Yay again.  That’s when Melissa  and Bruce wanted to have it anyhow.  She was happy to have that done and I was happy to help her.  

I caught another chipmunk and took and dropped it off too.  I like Lela’s method of catching them.  Easy and they seem to go in regularly.  How many chipmunks can a household have?????  Sure seems non stop. 

Peyton and Kenzie FaceTimed me.  They were having fun running off pictures of family members and cutting them to make a Guess Who game with all of our pictures.  Peyton is loving spending time at Kenzie’s and Kenzie is loving having her.  

Bill grilled burgers and I made potatoes to grill too.  Also had asparagus and string beans. 

We relaxed in the evening.  I talked to Melissa and Vikki today.   


Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, 6/17/24, Hot 91 degree day, Watered some plants, hoed all but 4 rows of the garden, went to see Fred and Lourdes, baby squirrel drowned in our little fish pond, went on date to Texas Roadhouse, first time in the pool this year

Peyton when we stopped to get the live trap from Vikki’s today
Bill eating Texas Roadhouse delicious rolls and cinnamon butter
Fun Date to our favorite restaurant
My first swim today and I was able to skim out lots of stuff like this that fell in when Bill took the last part of the cover off.  Now it will hopefully clear up faster.  I had an enjoyable swim.  I swam 325 yards, and today I got 12, 859 steps on my watch.
Beautiful sunset on this hot day
Light up flag and cross that Stacie and family got Bill for Father’s Day by the plants

It was 70 already at 8, so I went outside and watered a couple of plants, then hoed most of the garden around the plants and under the electric fence where Bill can’t get with the tiller.
I came in with a red and sweaty face and super hot even out there early.  I came in and washed down with a cold washcloth, then ate my oatmeal, drank my coffee and read my Bible.  Bill was reading his when I was outside.  I sat outside for a while and bird watched after that,  It was too hot to want to do much of anything.  Bill went to the VA Hospital to have his leg checked out.  She told him just to watch it at first and said she couldn’t have an X-ray done. Then he told her about how it feels like it’s moving and he feels like it’s going to break.  She sent him real fast to get an X-ray.  She told him she would call him with the results in 2 weeks.  She called him while he was still driving and told him the X-ray show that there was something moving in it.  Now she set up an appointment with a specialist.

He dropped Peyton’s I pad off for her. She forgot it and had just texted me this morning asking me how she was going to get it.  I was happy I could tell her Papa was bringing it to her.   

Bill got home and we left to go to Carol’s to meet Fred and Lourdes there.  Debbie and Tom came too.  Matthew wanted to, but couldn’t get ready in time.  We had fun visiting for a couple of hours.  Got to see pictures of their grandkids.  They don't put pictures on Facebook.  They are so cute and sure are growing.  They were heading to Cheboygan to see friends, then leaving to go back to Washington on Thursday.  Carol made a delicious homemade chocolate cake.  We all loved it.

Bill asked if I wanted to go on a date and go out to eat.  Of course I said yes.  Then we thought it would be nice to take Vikki, Rody and the kids out.  Vikki didn’t answer her phone, so I called Rody and texted the kids.  Vikki had a therapy session today and her shoulder really got a workout.  She went home and took a nap and I tried to wake her, but she said she was really tired and not hungry.  We will take them a different time.  I could tell she needed rest.  Poor girl.

We had amazing dinners and left very full.  Their steaks and salads are the best!  We had gift cards to use.  We still have another $30 gift card to use yet, plus what was left on this card.

When we got home, we backwashed the pool, and then checked to see if chlorine dispenser was dispensing right.  It was.  We cleaned the skimmer basket out.  It was so warm out and the top of the pool water felt hot.  I uncovered the pool and got in.  It was such a nice temperature.  I did some skimming at first and got lots of yuck stuff from the trees that fell off the cover when we opened it out.  That will help it to clear up faster.  I could see my feet at the bottom, but it still isn’t crystal clear.  I enjoyed a wonderful swim after that.  I floated around too.  It felt good and was good to get my heart rate up.  I love getting exercise the easy way in the pool. So enjoyable for me.  I heard it start thundering in the distance so got out and covered the pool.  

I came in and Bill went out and got the live trap out of the truck for me.  I set it so I can catch me a big raccoon tonight.  It knocked a feeder down last night.  Now it is in trouble. I watered the plants in my little garden and noticed a baby squirrel had drowned in it.  Poor little thing, but then again, I think of what it does when it becomes an adult and I felt better about it.  First day I haven’t caught a chipmunk.

I talked to Vikki and Melissa for a while.  Relaxed in my recliner.  


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday, 6/16/24, Happy Father’s Day to Bill, Bruce, Jared,, Rody, DJ and Travis!!! We went to prayer and church, went to Jacob Mulder’s graduation party, Had Father’s Day gathering at our house, went to Jacob’s Eddy Band Concert,

Hailey at Jake’s Graduation Party
Evan learning to axe throw at Jake’s party
Jack showing me he’s a pro
Dad and his girls......Stacie, Vikki, Bill, Melissa, and Kimmy
Bill with cute solar flag and cross Stacie, DJ and Kody got him....Melissa in the background
Rody, Stacie, Vikki, Melissa and Bill
Bill opening his gift
Bill sitting on his gift.  It’s a seat for his John Deere tractor.  He loved it!
Vader, Max, Bruce, Hailey, Evan and Jack
Adam, Jared, Jacob and Eli
Rody and Kenzie (yesterday)
Isaac, Rody and Peyton

I was surprised when I got home and saw all the kids on the swing set.  That doesn’t happen much these days!!!  Jack, Kody, Peyton, Evan and Eli
Max, Vader and Bruce
The kids having fun swimming
Rody, Stacie, Vikki, Melissa and Bill
Peyton, Adam, and Jacob
Jacob at the Eddy Band Concert during intermission
Jack showing me he is taller than me even when he is standing down a step.  
Dress Peyton drew and sent me.  She’s quite the artist!

Fun but busy day.  Pastor preached a good message on Father’s today.  After church, we came home and changed.  Vikki and Peyton, and Kimmy and family got here around 12:30.  
We had to leave to go to Jacob Mulder’s graduation party for a while.  We got back at 3:30.  
Kimmy fixed our front porch where the cement was cracked and there was a piece broken.  She did one other spot too.  It looks amazing.  Thank you Kimmy!  We adults visited and the kids swam.  We went to the Eddy Band Concert at 7.  Love that Jacob plays in this band.  The band sounded amazing.  Such an enjoyable concert.  We saw Wes, Gayla and Joel there and visited with them during intermission.  Kimmy and Jared came back to pick up Adam and Eli.  Melissa came to pick up Jack.  Happy Father’s Day, Bill, Bruce, Jared, Rody, DJ and Travis.  We have amazing Fathers in our family and I am thankful for each one.  They love the Lord and love their kids.  Such blessings from the Lord.