Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 20, April 2, 2020, Went to post office, went to Vikki's, ironed coffee filters for face masks

Isaac helping load brush
Ironed and folded coffee filters for the face masks our church is making

Bill with his new glasses on.  Eating Teraki chicken, carrots and potatoes cooked in the air roaster

Bill slept in.  I got up and walked 3 miles to worship music.  We ate oatmeal, then did our daily reading, praying, etc.  It was rainy and gloomy all day.  Only went outside twice today.  Bill and I went to the post office.  Everybody in there had face masks on except one.  I wore mine and had Bill stay in the truck.  They had big yellow X's on the floor spaced very far apart for us to stand on so we wouldn't be close.  They also had a big sheet of plastic hung in front of the workers, so we were all protected.  The workers wore gloves and masks too.  We stopped over at Vikki and Rody's to pick up some brush to bring here and burn for them.  Bill honked and Rody and Isaac came out and loaded the brush which was by the road, into the back of the truck.  Isaac was a great helper.  Vikki was sleeping so we didn't get to see her.  On our way home, we passed Jack's and people were coming out with face mask on there too.  Then we passed some walkers on Bay Road and they also had face masks on.  I'm glad to see people taking this seriously.  When I got home, I ironed coffee filters and folded them in half for the face masks a lot of us ladies at church are making to give away.  Adam and I texted and Melissa, Vikki and I talked on the phone.  I watched Molly Jo's birthday parade on FaceBook.  So sweet of everybody to help make her quarantined birthday fun.  Nice seeing my sister, Brenda, Dave and Gina their dog in the video too.  Vikki FaceTimed me in the evening. Vikki straightened Isaac's hair and he wanted to show me.  He looked cute!  Bill and I watched a Christian Comedian who was pretty funny. 

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