Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 34, 4/18/2020...Walked 2 1/2 miles, Went to Vikki's, Went to Kimmy's...watched Michael W. Smith home concert

Lucy, Isaac, Lenny, Peyton and Vikki in back
Me and Bill on the swing
Jared, Kimmy, Eli, Adam and Jacob visiting 6 feet or more away from us...Social distancing...they call it now
Jacob, Jared and Bill looking at the fish in their pond
Beautiful lambs and sheep
Jacob eating a donut we brought for him
Beautiful Easter Lily from the church
A regular picture of my lily so you can see how big it really is 
Beautiful pen Bill made today
Our drive took us by Shani (our niece's) office
Deer we saw on our drive
Robins sure build messy nests
Can't believe all the stuff they carry and drop by the nest

Vikki sent pictures of her family with their pens Bill made them

I walked on the treadmill 2 1/4 miles.  We ate banana blueberry oatmeal bake for breakfast. Bill worked on pens in the shed for a while.  I vacuumed the house.  We went to drop off pens Bill made for Peyton, Isaac and Rody.  We left them on their porch and visited through the window.  We went to Kimmy's after that and dropped off Jared's mom's face masks she made them and also one that I had made.  Also dropped off some cinnamon and a big pack of donuts from Sam's Club. I forgot to take Vikki's family's big pack of donuts.  Will have to drop them off tomorrow.  We looked at their new power washer and visited with them out in their woods on the swings and chairs 6 feet away.  It was so nice other than it was pretty windy.  Adam and Eli were in short sleeve shirts and shorts.  They were playing and were keeping warm.  I was warm as long as Bill was blocking the wind from me.  We had a very nice visit and it seemed so good to be able to sit for a while and talk.  It was fun to see the fish in their pond.  There are lots of them.  Nice seeing their lambs too.  They are getting big and are so cute. I listened to a Michael W. Smith concert from his home with his band from their homes.  It was so good.  Vikki posted a picture of the guy who wrote the books, The Watchers, Guardians of Freelandia.  It was a picture of him with his family.  She told about the book and how good it was and recommended it to everyone.  The son got a notification from Facebook, so he checked with Vikki to see why she posted a picture of him.  Come to find out, some of our friends are friends with him.  After she told him why and offered to take the picture down, he told her she didn't have to.  He is giving her two sets of the books for free.  She is giving me one set for my birthday.  Happy Birthday to me.  What a great gift!  She had them in her cart to buy her a set and me one for my birthday.  God is good!  I thought about asking her to get them for me for my birthday since we had to send my birthday gift back.  I decided I didn't want to make her feel like she had to get me something else.  I talked to all of my girls today and had nice talks.  Bruce went to pick up some things from his dad and Brenda today.  They met in Edmore and gas was $1.16.  Bruce was saying something about gas being low there.  His dad said, low....I thought it was high.  It was .97 in Muskegon.  The book I just read had prophecies in it.  One was that gas would go below a dollar.  I thought to were's 1.52 here, and then I heard this today.  Amazing as this was written so many years ago when gas was really high.  

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