Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 36, 4/20/2020...Watched morning devotion online, walked, spent lots of time outside, Visited at Vikki's

The sun was shining in beautifully while watching our morning devotion
Nice visit with Peyton and Isaac while Vikki and Rody were making lunch
Peyton and Vikki 
Rody, Peyton, Vikki and Peyton
Peyton with her American Girl doll on her neck.  She's so much fun!
Chef Peyton who made hamburger patties
Vikki had the porch swing turned around for us, a table set up and a heater going....She was so sweet
So cute that Eli showed his lamb for show and tell for his class
Peyton and all of her friends...I love that she loves stuffed animals and dolls
Today's numbers
Interesting to read
Nice sunny day, 58 degrees for a high, but so windy it didn't feel like that.  Great devotion in the morning on Psalm 19.  The heavens declare the glory of the Lord!  Amen!  I walked 2 1/4 miles on the treadmill.  We had oatmeal for breakfast.  Read our Bibles.  Bill worked on pens in the shed. I walked around the yard checking plant growth and sat outside reading for a while.  God's beauty is all around and surely declares His glory.  Pastor had us remember to look at God's creation and think about all that God has done and is doing.  Good reminder.  We went to Vikki's and visited for a while.  Stayed nice and warm with that heater going.  The kids were very cute visiting with us through the window.  They showed us their school packets, things they have made with legos, Peyton...her doll and Isaac the camera he made out of legos (it actually has a light) and his new alarm clock.  Bill tilled the garden today.  It looks very nice.  Rhubarb is really growing.

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