Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 29, Monday, 4/13/2020...Walked, Ordered food from Aldi's, Went to Sams Club

Eli, Jacob and Adam.  Kimmy gave them all haircuts today!
 Me at Sam's Club with my face mask I made
Dad at Sam's Club with his face mask...Who would have ever thought!  Practically everyone had a face mask on in the store
Lela's beautiful face masks she made by hand
Kimmy cut the boys hair...Eli, Jacob and Adam look as handsome as ever! Great job Kimmy
Watched Pastor Ken do our devotion on line.  Walked 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill.  Made oatmeal for breakfast.  Read my Bible.  I ordered groceries from Aldi's and they delivered them 3 hours later.  So wonderful. Bill and I went to Sam's Club.  We got a big bag of walnuts, paper towels, olive oil, ice flavored water drinks, one hand sanitizer and a couple of other things.  We looked for Lysol wipes but the guy said they are hard to get.  Also looked for yeast and flour.  They were out of that too.  We wore face masks and kept our distance.  Did the self checkout.  Happy to get done and get home.  Talked to all of the girls today.  So happy they are all doing great and are enjoying this family time together.  It was a very windy out...I tried to take a nap, but the wind was so noisy I couldn't sleep.  We are having a cool down for a while too.  I will be happy when temperatures get back in the 50's and the wind is calm.  Jared's mom made face masks and sent them to Vikki.  She made me one too which was so sweet and made me so happy.  They are so nice and Rody and Vikki's looks really cute on them.  Thank you so very much Lela!  


Lela F Russell said...

Happy to know you are staying safe. Yes...we have great children who have wonderful families. We certainly are blessed. This morning I'm working on our bird feeders. The blue birds have a nest in a really old gourd. Fead them their mealy worms this morning. It's interesting to see how them chase other birds away from their feeder. So many interesting birds to see in the yard this time of year. Good to see the masks have arrived. Love you all. Lela

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I sure would love to have bluebirds come here again. I am hoping. Love watching birds. Thank you again for the beautiful face masks. They are so nice! Love and prayers sent your way! Everyone there stay healthy and safe.