Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 23, Tues. 4/7/2020...Only 5600 steps today, lots of cutting fabric for face masks for church,

Cutting out fabric for face masks for our church for other ladies to sew
Other material I will be cutting too

Great devotion with Pastor online today.  Read our Bibles, prayed and worshipped.  Lots more time to be in the Word during this pandemic.  Made eggs, potatoes and bacon for breakfast.  I walked around outside when it stopped raining.  Bill went out in the shed.  I put worship music on and started cutting material.  We all communicated on Anna's FaceBook messenger while we were working on these face masks.  Cut enough pieces for 24 face masks today.  I talked to Melissa and Kimmy and texted Vikki and Adam.  We called Bill's brother, Fred, and talked to him for a while in the evening.  They are being super careful out in Washington too....ordering their groceries, washing them outside, sanitizing everything.  We called James and talked to him.  He said 5 from Great Lakes were taken to the hospital today with Covid-19.  He has to stay right in his room now.  We are going to go wave to him through his window sometime this week.  Talked to Marie again today to and also Sue.  Praying for Charlie...something is going on with his blood test so he is being checked out.  Please pray for him.  Talked to Kimmy and told her I was making mashed potatoes, hot dogs, and asparagus for dinner.  She decide to have the same thing.  Jared was going to grill the hot dogs. A few minutes later Bill told me to call her and tell her they were supposed to get 60 mile an hour wind gusts, rain and hail.  I think that ended the grilling outside.  She called to let me know they had gotten a quick storm with hail.  No damage to their vehicles though.  Yay!  


Vikki's Blog said...

awe I miss you! Would be fun if we could cut material together...bummer! anything would be fun to do together at this point!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You are right about that Vikki! Love you!