Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Day 141, 8/4/2020, Vikki & twins came over, Kimmy and family came over, we all worked on the deck

Vikki and the kids after she voted!  Yay Vikki and kiddos!
Bill power washing
Bill and Peyton

Jared, Adam, Jacob, Isaac, Peyton, Eli and Papa Bill
Jacob, Jared, Bill, Isaac
Adam, Jared, Jacob, Bill, Isaac
Isaac, in blue.  Vikki, Kimmy, Adam, Jared and Jacob
Stone Debbie brought over and gave to dad
Jacob taking a picture of the beautiful sunset.  I was going out to take one too, so I took it with him in it
They got this much done.  Amazing how much work everyone did and how much got done.

Bill took the garbage out, then we ate our oatmeal and read our Bibles.  We went to Home Depot to pick up a big container of Flood Cedar deck stain.  Vikki and the kids came over.  We started working on the deck, taking screws out while Bill pulled the boards up.  He started power washing the boards too.  Kimmy called and she wanted to come help too.  Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli came and all started working hard too.  It was amazing how fast the work got done.  Everyone had such a joyful attitude helping. We sure are blessed!  I started power washing boards, so they would be done before they put them back down.  I ordered pizzas for everyone to eat.  Marie called and let me know how she was doing after her heart cath yesterday.  I talked to her yesterday and she was tired and her arm was pretty sore.  She was doing much better today.  Pray for healing of blockage in her aortic valve.  She has to have it rechecked in 3 months.  Vikki took over power washing and Kimmy stacked the boards according to size.  They had it done by the time I got back to do it.  Bill had a meeting online with CMA State Leadership.  Jared and Jacob got lots done on the deck flipping the boards and putting them back down.  I am just amazed at all that got done, thanks to family who are always there to help us.  Thank you all so much.  The kids got to swim which was nice.  Pretty cool night, but they didn't mind.  

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