Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Day 142, 8/6/2020, Everyone came and we all worked on the deck again

Bill and Jacob


Peyton, Eli and Isaac gettin screws out.  Boys are drilling and Peyton is pulling them out once they are up



Isaac and Eli

Bucket of old screws we've all taken out of the deck
So much accomplished today...lots of hard work by everyone.  They are all so joyful while working together.  What an awesome family we have!  Love each of them so much!  Melissa and her family would love being here helping if they could too.  I loved talking to her on the phone today.

dd captionGrilled hot dogs and potatoes, made corn on the cob and enjoyed eating on the deck.  Jared, Adam, Bill and Jacob

Peyton, Eli and Isaac




Adam and Peyton

Bill and I

Another day spent working on the deck.  Kimmy, Eli and Adam came early and Vikki, Peyton and Isaac got here shortly after.  We took the screws out, flipped these boards and power washed them.  Kimmy picked up Jacob, got Jared and came back and worked until late.  Even the younger ones Peyton and Isaac 8, and Eli, 10 worked the entire day (except for a swim break) and didn't complain, but wanted to keep drilling screws out.  Very hard workers.  The older boys are amazing!  Bill, Kimmy, Jared, and Vikki are amazing workers too!  Smart and skillful!  We are so thankful for their help and hard work.  We are so blessed!

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