Sunday, August 9, 2020

Day 146, 8/9/2020, Went to church, Everyone came back to finish the deck, Yay they finished it! They worked so hard! Thank you!

Eli worked super hard right along with everyone else!  Hard working ten year old!
Finished the shed deck and this is all that was left to do on the big house deck!  Lots of hard work again today!
Eli putting powdered sugar on his brownies he made.  Peyton dumped the mix in the bowl and then had to leave, so Eli did the rest
Jared and Jacob

Handsome Adam was a hard worker too.
Eli worked hard burning wood for Papa.  It was a super hot day today too.
Jacob, Adam and Papa Bill

Eli learned to use the saw.  We stayed by him while he did it.
Yay, the deck is finished...9:30 at night, but they stuck right with it and did an amazing job
Melissa and Bruce were just saying they needed an extra pair of hands, and Charlie and Sue pulled in to visit.  Charlie went right up and started helping!  God's timing is amazing!

Another busy day with Jared, Kimmy and boys, Vikki and Bill working on finishing our decks.  They were putting new wood up on the sides of the shed deck when Bill and I got home from church.  We were surprised.  It looks amazing!  I did some power washing on it and on some of our house deck.  I moved lawn furniture so I could wash it good, and Jacob helped me move the table which was great.  It was so hot and humid out today.  It felt like it was in the mid 90's.  Everyone worked so hard again.  I am amazed how they could do that in this heat.  We all went for a swim after we ate.  It felt so good and I decided it was a get my hair wet kind of day.  They went back to work after that.  I kept them supplied with cold ice water and they drank lots of it where it was so hot out.  I was happy to be able to do that for such an amazing family.  I made some face masks since I wasn't needed a whole lot outside.  They found two suet feeders and my oriole feeder under the deck so far.  The raccoons hauled them under there after taking them down from the tree.  Bill covered the window well, so no more raccoons living in there for the winters.  Yay!  I talked to Melissa.  She was so happy that Charlie and Sue stopped in.  They stopped just in time to help them with the awning they were putting on their camper.  The kids and grandkids finished our deck at 9:30 p.m. It looks amazing.  We all went in the pool for a swim afterward.  It was super warm still and felt so good.  What an amazing loving family we have!  I love them all so much!

1 comment:

Lela F Russell said...

What a monumental job. I remember that deck so well at Jared/Kimmy's rehearsal dinner. What fun with the horse theme. It's a beautiful place to visit and entertain again for the next 15 years at least. And the best project to teach and practice family working together to reach a goal. You did a good thing. Now JB can get his crawl under the house to wire 220 in the back bathroom done for more clay fun. I am excited for them!