Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Day 163, Wed., 8/26/2020, Kimmy and the boys, Vikki and the twins came over to spend the day, Went to outside prayer in the evening, Went to see Kenzie at Vikki's

Jacob was happy with this round, Adam was pretty happy to as he was in the lead
Jacob and Adam
Peyton eating her drumstick
Adam (Jacob in back of him, Papa hanging his towel on the line in the background)
Eli with what's left of his drumstick
Isaac, Eli, Bill, Adam, Jacob and Peyton
Kimmy and the boys leaving  Jacob and Eli waving out the windows
Kenzie with gnome garden she made for her mom
Cute picture of Adam laughing at Lucky doing her dog tricks.  Eli watching holding Lickums.  These are my two favorite toys of Kenzie's

It rained, thundered and there was lots of lightening during the night.  It was still raining in the morning.  We ate oatmeal for breakfast, read our Bibles, and then went to get gas at Kroger.  Bill filled both of our tanks, and we got a dollar off each gallon.  When I got home, Kimmy pulled in the driveway right after me.  Vikki got there right after that.  Then Bill got home.  Kimmy did some sewing for her dad, and I made a couple of face masks for Rody's mom and Aunt Ann.  Then Jacob, Adam, Bill, Kimmy, Vikki and I played 3-13.  I ended up being the winner.  Jacob and Adam helped Papa cut down some dead branches down in our big maple tree.  We all ate lunch after that.  Then we all went for a swim, except Papa.  He walked the rail trail.  It was in the mid 80's, but he likes to walk in the heat.  I like to get my exercise in the cool pool.  I did get my 10,000 steps in again though.  Kimmy tightened up the cable on our deck while Bill was on his walk.  She sure can do just about anything.  Thanks Kimmy.  She and Vikki tried to fix the boards on the shed steps, but ended up putting them back the way they were, and Bill will just have to add a small board.  We all had a drumstick break.  Everyone left after that, and Bill and I ate.  Then I went to my prayer group outside at church.  After that, I went to Vikki's to see Kenzie for a little while.  I was happy to see her.  I gave her a Minnie Mouse face mask.  She made a really cute gnome garden for Vikki.  She said she is going to make one for me too.  She is always so sweet.  I went home and Bill and I watched the Republican Convention.  I love hearing all of these great speakers who love God and our Country. 

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