Sunday, August 30, 2020

Day 167, 8/30/2020, HAPPY 17TH ANNIVERSARY KIMMY AND JARED, We went to church, Kimmy and family, Vikki, Bill and I stained the deck

Hailey went to her house for church online with her family...Evan, Bruce,  Jack, Max and Hailey
Some great helpers stained our deck with us today
Jacob and Adam...

Bill doing the posts
Love Birds Kimmy and Jared...married 17 years today..Amazing couple
Eating burgers, hot dogs, potatoes and chips for lunch...Adam Me, Vikki, Eli and Jacob
Jared and Eli
Jared, Adam, Eli, Bill and me
Jared, Eli and Papa Bill

I don't know about the shots Bill takes
Beautiful finished deck

Shed deck
Max and Jack playing with their legos
Evan playing with his legos
I got up early and took all the smaller stuff off the deck.  Bill blew it off with the blower.   I made potatoes to go on the grill ahead of time.  We went to church.  I prayed with Bev and Dave outside for a while before church started.  Another great time worshipping the Lord and hearing His Word.  I left right away afterward and came home to put pop in refrigerator and get potatoes on the grill.  Kimmy and her family and Vikki got here right after me.  They all moved all the rest of the stuff off of our deck.  Jared got the paint stirred right away and poured some for each of us.  Bill went to Home Depot after church and picked up another large container of deck stain and got $20 back from the last one we bought because it is on sale now.  The girl gave him a hard time at first because she didn't know what to do, but she figured it out and gave him $20 back.  I had put the burgers on, and Bill took over with the grilling after he got here.  I stained with the girls. We worked and then took a break for lunch.  Afterward we all got back to work.  It was amazing how fast it went with all of these great workers. I am so thankful for such an amazing and wonderful family.  If it wasn't for Melissa having to be really careful with Covid, I know she and her family would be right here helping.  I remember last time we stained our deck, she watched all of the kids for us because they were small back then.   We girls finished our side of the big deck and Bill and the girls wanted to do the shed deck too.  We went out there which wasn't as much fun as it was right in the hot afternoon sun.  We still laughed lots though.  Jacob and Adam helped when they got done and Bill helped with the steps. Jared and Eli finished their section, and we all decided the one side of the deck needed another coat while it was still wet.  We all worked on it and the whole deck looked amazing afterward.  What a huge job to have done and what a relief.  Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone.  Adam and Eli went for a swim.  They said the water was great, but it was pretty cool last night so their great might not be my great.  We had watermelon from Kimmy and Jared's garden that was delicious.  It was a yellowish color but tasted like regular watermelon.  YUM!  Some of us had mini drumsticks after that.  They helped clean everything up and Kimmy and Vikki set up the furniture really nice on the lawn.  Then they all left.  Jared and Kimmy were going to celebrate their anniversary with the boys.  Melissa called me and we had a nice talk.  She sent me pictures of Hailey coming to their house and joining them for our church service online.  She also sent me pictures of the boys in their lego room in the basement.  They have been really busy with legos and making lego movies.  Love her basement and what they did to it.  I haven't seen it because of Covid.


Lela F Russell said...

The deck is beautiful. What a project. So good to know there were enough hands to make it possible.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You are so right about what a project! We sure did have lots of hands helping to make it possible. With Vikki and I trying to scrape the horrible Deck Over off it would have taken many years. That stuff was awful. What a great family we have and what hardworking grandsons!