Friday, January 8, 2021

Fri., 1//8/21, Cleaned the house, baked pumpkin bread


 5 big loaves and 2 small loaves of pumpkin bread baked today

Ate breakfast, read my Bible and devotion, and had my morning coffee.  Put worship music on and cleaned the house.  Filled the humidifier's two jugs with water and put them in and put a jug of water on our water dispenser.  Bill told me he was going to push the snowblower out to the shed and work on it.  The electric start worked the other day, then stopped.  I started it by hand and used it.  He wanted to fix that, but I told him I would push it out for him.  I was nervous to think of him working on it with his shoulder just healing.  He told me I would have to start it for him, because he couldn't pull the cord.  He tried the electric starter first and it sounded like it wanted to start.  I prayed and it started.  Yay!  He didn't need to work on it at all.  I sure was happy.  I finished cleaning the house, then made pumpkin bread.  I like that it makes such a big batch.  I made some with nuts and some without.  Bill had to sample it of course and chose a loaf with nuts.  

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