Monday, January 18, 2021

Monday, 1/18/21, Went to Vikki's, walked 2 miles,


Little dolly Bill got me to haul the wood pellets in while he can't.  It works great!
 Mylee and Lucy napping cute
Kenzie, Mylee, Abby, and Max
Mylee, Kenzie, Bruce and Melissa
 Bruce being silly in this one
 Bruce being even sillier in this one
Vikki taking a picture out of her car window of Kenzie in the truck next to her.  They both got an oil change for their vehicles

The kids having their popcorn

After we ate, I talked to Vikki and she invited me to come spend time with her and Kenzie.  I had thought about making goulash for Kenzie the next time I saw her last night while I was in bed.  It's one of her favorite meals.  When I found out she was coming, I made some right away to take there for lunch and then for Kenzie to take some home for dinner.  We had a nice time talking and hanging out.  Vikki had Kenzie's dog, Mylee, spend the night last night, and she gave her a bath and got some burrs out of her fur for Kenzie.  She looked so cute all clean and fluffy.  I walked 2 miles today.  I listened to Brandon Lake Worship and it sure made the time go fast.  I was praising the Lord while I walked.   Peyton and Isaac spent the night.  We had popcorn in our new microwave collapsible popcorn maker and it was so good and so easy.  The kiddos were happy when they found their surprise chocolate chips in the bottom.  We watched Counting On while we ate our popcorn.  We read our Bible, prayed and I tucked them in.  I told Peyton to pop up like toast because she always sleeps in, and I told Isaac to sleep like a log because he is always up super early.  They always laugh and say no and tell me they want to do the opposite.  Peyton forgot her special dog and had tears in her eyes.  I went in the attic and found a bear that was Kenzie's favorite and give it to her to sleep with.  That made her very happy.

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