Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday, 1/31/21, We went to church, Bill had therapy, Went to Snowfest

 Bill in front of my favorite ice sculpture 
Me and Bill
Me in front of our favorite ice thankful for Frontline Heroes! 
Old French clarinet in the museum I thought the boys would like seeing
 Bill in front of a picture of Hattie Hubinger...a lady he knew.  She is waiting on a customer.  
 No warming tent this year because of Covid, but this place next to the CheeseHaus had the neat tables around gas fire pits that were very cool.  We didn't use one, but wanted a picture.

We went to church.  Our assigned seat was in the very front row, on the side we never sit on.
It sure felt different, but the worship music sounded amazing.  Pastor Jeff gave the message.
Bill took me home right after, and then he went to therapy.  I warmed up roast, carrots and potatoes.  He took a couple of granola bars to eat on the way to therapy so he wouldn't be too hungry.  We don't eat breakfast in the morning on Sundays.  I took a short nap because I was up during the night putting pellets in.  Didn't have many in the bucket, but thought it would be enough.  Wrong!!! I noticed the light wasn't shining from the fireplace through the door, so got up and the screen on the kernel burner said it was shutting down.  I went and opened a bag of pellets and refilled it and it started right back up.  Yay!  I sure miss Bill doing the kernel burner job!  I looked at the clock and it was 5:30.  Couldn't really get back to sleep after that.  Bill got home and warmed up the chili.  Then we went to Frankenmuth to check out the snow and ice sculptures and see if it was ok to walk around or too crowded.  It wasn't bad, and there weren't that many sculptures, so we walked around.  It was 30 degrees so was a nice day...not too cold and sculptures weren't melting.  We went in the museum which we only had one other couple in with us.  We stayed the distance required apart, but started talking to them.  They enjoyed listening to Bill tell his stories of Frankenmuth and of his family.  The husband, Zachary, was a History buff so he loved hearing more history about Frankenmuth.  Alexandria told us they had 2 year old twin girls.  We told them about our twins and how our one twin had twins.  I also told her how it gets easier after they get a little older and entertain themselves.  She was happy to hear that.  When we finished, we felt like friends.  Bill asked her if she was a Christian.  She said she didn't know what a Christian was, but they went to church on Sundays and her mom was a Catholic Christian.  We told her a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus and follows Him.  She said they pray because that's what they did when she was little.  She also said she has a tattoo that says Don't worry, pray.  I shared with her that she should start reading the New Testament because that's how you get to know Jesus and what he teaches us to do.  She then told us that her Landlord just gave her a Bible and gave the twins each a children's Bible.  I guess God wants her to be saved with all of this going on. This sure made our day.   I sure am praying for them both.  Such a nice couple.  We are remembering to pray for Jared's mom who has surgery tomorrow morning.  Trusting God to guide the surgeons and bring complete healing to her with no complications.  


Lela F Russell said...

Penny..I remember so well the snow festival we attended with you one year. I have never seen anything like that. We didn't know it existed and were lucky enough to be visiting on that weekend. Bill went stomping through the snow with no boots on. It was cold and we just plowed through. Great experience.

Yes...this is another prayer day and I am at peace. Thanks so much for your last sentence. We're off to the hospital at 5:15. Another coating of snow last night. It will be a good day.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

That was a great memory at the Snow Fest with you. Not many sculptures this year, but fun to see and the weather was perfect.
He wears boots now!!! Older and wiser.

I prayed much for you during the day. I was so happy to hear the doctors were pleased at how everything went. I started thanking God right away. I am continuing to pray for no complications and a quick recovery. You are one amazing and in shape lady!