Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wed.,1/6/21, Got some things at Sam's Club, Kenzie and Travis got a very cute puppy!


 Kenzie with her new puppy

Vikki, Mylee and Kenzie

 Travis and Kenzie's cute puppy, Mylee.

After spending time with the Lord and praying for all going on in our nation today, Bill went with Charlie for a ride and I went to Sam's to get some things I needed.  Kenzie and Travis got the cutest puppy.  They named her Mylee.  She is part poodle and part blood hound, and is as cute as can be and is the nicest puppy.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac went there to meet her and spend time with them.  They sure loved her and had fun there.  Peyton loved Katniss she said.  
So sad to see what happened at the Capital.  Praying for justice for those who acted criminally and would do such awful things at a peaceful protest.  Our policemen and security at the Capital need to be respected and obeyed. We watched NewsMax to get the details.  Picked up pasties from Maple Grill to make tomorrow night. Vikki brought Peyton and Isaac.  We played 3-13.  I ended up winning, but Peyton was only 25 points more.  Isaac was 101.  Peyton drew asked me what I wanted her to draw and then she drew it.  She is quite the artist. I read the Bible to them, we prayed and then I tucked them in.  Bill left his recliner and slept in bed for the first time since his surgery!  He slept much better.  So did I.  Yay!  Another step in the healing!

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