Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday, 11/26/21, Checked on Kimmy and Jared's animals, Hailey and Peyton came and are spending the night

A little dusting of snow at Kimmy's
The sheep were so cute this morning

Hailey and angels...they took this selfie

Hailey and Peyton with their family's talking ornaments I always hang on the tree.  Love hearing those little voices on the recordings
Hailey and Peyton decorating the tree
The tree all decorated.  They did a great job!
Silly Girls

The girls decorating the little tree
Fireplace is decorated

Bill, Peyton, Hailey and me
Hailey and Peyton watching Christmas for a Dollar

Peyton sent me this in a text while we were watching the movie.  What a treasure and a precious memory forever!
Kimmy and Jared in Georgia...thanks for sending me this made me very happy

Melissa sent me these nice pictures
Jack, Evan and Hailey in Frankenmuth
Jack, Hailey and Evan

Evan with the pickle ornament
I think Jack and Evan are hunting for the pickle
Evan decorating the tree
Bruce, Hailey and Abby
Hailey putting Melissa's Nativity up
Jack putting the angel on the top of the tree
Kenzie and Travis...I borrowed this from her post

Adam sent me my good morning text.  Bill went out for coffee with Charlie.  I ate my oatmeal, had my coffee and did my morning reading.  Left to go to Kimmy's to check on the animals.  Stopped and picked up some snacks for the tonight when Hailey and Peyton spend the night at the store on my way.  When I got to Stark Rd., there was snow on roofs and along the edge of the road.  Took some pictures at Kimmy's of a light dusting of snow there.  The animals were all doing great.  Gave Bo some treats and wiped his eye out and petted him lots.  He kept trying to get really close to me when I wanted to take his picture.  It took me a while because I had to wait until he walked away.  I love how friendly he is.  When I got home, I brought down the decorations from upstairs.  Bill carried the heavy tubs down for me.  We got the lights on, then I put the beads on the tree.  Vikki got here at 3 and Hailey got here a couple of minutes later.  The girls had fun taking selfies and did a great job putting the ornaments on the tree for me.  Hailey did a great job setting the Nativity up and they both decorated the little tree in the family room for me.  I worked on the fireplace decorations.  Bill mowed the lawn and burned the leaves and brush.  We all went to Tony's for dinner, and all got burgers and fries.  We took the truck there and Hailey rode in the front seat so she could try the massage.  She didn't like it.  I love it.  I made shakes for everyone and popped popcorn, then we watched the movie Christmas for a Dollar.  Hailey hadn't seen it yet.  They loved the movie.  We watched some Little House Episodes after that.  Then the girls went to bed.  I tucked them in and put Christian music on for them. 

Vikki had a scary dream about Greg, a friend who is like a brother to her.  He fell from a tree in the dream and hit something.  He had a hole in his chest, and wasn't going to live long, so she called his mom so she could talk to him.  When she woke up she felt God was telling her she needed to see how his relationship with Jesus is.  Last time she talked to him which was quite a while ago, he wasn't going to church.  All day long, she couldn't get off of her mind to see how he was with Jesus.  She texted him and told him of her dream.  She asked how he was doing with Jesus and asked if he need prayer.  He sent her a picture of a bad accident he was in with his big work truck.  The brakes went out and he had too heavy of a load and flipped over.  He had broken vertebrae in his lower back, one broken vertebrae in his neck, six broken ribs and a broken sternum. He is healing but is very sore still.  He wasn't wearing his seat belt.  This is a picture of his truck in the accident.  I think God is speaking to Him!  Praying he gets back close with the Lord.

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