Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tues, 11/9/21, Baked an angel food cake and cupcakes, Went to Kenzies, Peyton and Isaac came over, Went to Texas Roadhouse

Beautiful sunrise

Kenzie and Travis checking out the truck....Bill watching
Mylee (she has to stay in the pen as she keeps breaking the leash and going off.  She sure was happy to see me
Kenzie and Jasper...he escaped by breaking his leash while we were there too.  Scary because he ran into the road.  Hyper dogs!  

Travis put some dog food down and the ducks and chicken came running to eat it
Bill, me, Travis and Kenzie
Kenzie catching a dove to let go
This bunny was the cutest and was so friendly

Isaac packing the boys shoe box
Peyton filling the girls shoebox
Hailey and I FaceTiming
Hailey and Abby on her mom's porch while we all

Got up early and baked an angel food cake and cupcakes for tomorrow's birthday celebration for Kenzie and Travis.  Read my Bible while things were baking.  Did laundry too.  When Bill got home, we went to Kenzie's and delivered the fencing from Omi for her.  I walked around with Kenzie and looked at all of their animals and their plants they've planted this year.  They have really done a lot there.  The animals all have nice coops and pens. I had fun petting the bunnies, a duck and the kittens.  I was pretty amazed at how nice it was compared to the last time I was there.  The siding is on the garage and looks great.  Garage is looking organized.  We couldn't even walk through it hardly when they first moved in because of all the junk left there.  Bill and Travis walked around and talked.  Travis has done work on the roof too.  Jasper got loose and went running across the road.  Kenzie finally got him to come back in the yard and caught him.  Scary!  He had to go in his cage in the house after that.  I can't believe he could break that big outdoor tie out.  They sat in the truck after that and checked everything (massage, sun roof, etc) out.  Kenzie and I walked in the woods and picked up some pine cones for me to put peanut butter in.  We left after that.  Vikki called and had a dentist appt., so I picked up the kids at the dentist and brought them to our house.  We filled the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, had snacks and looked through bags of stuff I used to have in my surprise box for church.  Vikki came and picked them up, but had to leave right away.  Bill and I went to Texas Roadhouse early to beat the crowds and had dinner.  It was super delicious.  I had to bring half of it home because I was too full, so will eat that tomorrow.  Evan FaceTimed me to show me the windmill he made with legos that really runs.  He did a great job and as always it was fun to watch him show me how it worked.  I told Melissa Papa would like to see that, and she told me Hailey was coming over for hot chocolate and wanted to be there when she FaceTimed me so she could talk to me too.  We had fun talking and seeing each other.  Papa loved Evan's windmill too.  He FaceTimed with all of us too.  So much fun with family.


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