Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thurs., 11/4/21, Moved winter clothes downstairs and summer clothes upstairs, did laundry, made round steak, took care of bird feeders


Cold day today and sky looks dark. A few peaks of sunshine today, but not many
Our big Maple tree today

Our big Maple tree a year ago on Nov. 5th.  It has 1more day to catch up.  

Our other Maple tree on the other side of the house is almost bare

Bill had to go help a guy in Chesaning do the training to become a CMA member.  Then he had to pick up Charlie and take him to his appointment in Ann Arbor.  I moved my clothes...summer ones went upstairs, winter ones came down.  Did a few loads of laundry too.  Browned some round steak and put it in the crockpot.  It smelled good in the house all day!!!  I cleaned out bird feeders.  It has rained so much, all the finch food was wet and caked in the bottom of the big feeder.  I got it all cleaned out, dryer, filled, and hung back in the tree.  I talked to Sue a couple of times.  Also talked to Melissa a couple of times.  Ate breakfast and had my coffee late this morning, then did my reading.  Got our Compassion girl's Christmas money mailed and a letter wrote to her.  Also wrote our Feed the Hungry boy.  They are such precious and sweet kids.  I love their letters they sent us.  Praying lots for our girl because she is in an area where there is lots of violence right now.  Compassion isn't even able to go in where she's at right now.  The round steak, gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans were delicious.  I talked to my best friend, Vikki, for a long time in the evening.  We had such a good talk.  Bill and I watched part 2 of L.A. Joiner's seminar he did at our church.  It was so very good!  Always stay in the Word of God and have that as our plumb line.  Amen.  When churches stray from the Word or try to change what it says, they get deceived.  Very thankful for our pastor who preaches from the Word of God and isn't afraid to preach the truth of the Word.  There has to be a standard and God's Word is it!!!

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