Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday, 12/26/21, Went to church, Vikki and family came for Christmas left overs, Melissa, Bruce, Jack, and Evan came over

Peyton and Isaac..they came over today and I forgot to take a picture so I had Vikki send me one

Evan and Jack
Evan, Jack and Bruce
Bill getting ready to shoot

Bruce, Jack and Bill
Hailey and Melissa staying warm by the fire

Jack holding Papa's gun
Papa showing Jack his gun
New silverware set Kimmy, Jared and the Boys got me all set to use


We went to prayer, then to our church service.  Prayer was good, the worship was awesome and the message was so good.  Not many in the church service today.  When we got home Bill ran Marie and Roy's tithe they asked him to deliver, back to church.  When he got home, he burned some boxes and paper out back.  Vikki, Rody, Peyton and Isaac came over after church and we had our left over Christmas meal.  It is a great tradition we have done for many years now.  Bruce, Melissa, Hailey, Jack and Evan got here after everyone else was finished eating, but I warmed mine up last so I was still finishing.  Vikki put all the food away and cleaned everything up for me, so I could finish and go outside with Melissa and family.  I appreciated her doing that so much.  She is always willing to help and does a great job.  Thank you Vikki.  I gave hugs and we all went outside to say hi.  Vikki and family left. I had Bill put wood on the fire he had started.  He and Bruce kept it going, so we stayed warm while watching all of the boys shoot their bow and arrows.  Jack and Evan sure love shooting.  Bill and Bruce gave them helpful hints.  They were doing so good at it.  Melissa, Hailey and I visited by the fire and took lots of pictures.   I took some videos of them hitting the target.  It was so much fun for them and for us.  They left after at least an hour and a half of shooting.  I love seeing them do outside things and enjoying them so much.  
I got a text from Jacob and he got A's in his classes at Delta.  I am so proud of him.  He is so responsible with his studying and doing his homework.  What a great reward for all of his hard work.  Way to go Jacob!  I watched part of our Christmas video.  Sure made me laugh a lot.  I wrote about why I was laughing on my Christmas Eve post.  Bill and I watched a movie called The Christmas Miracle that was funny, but very meaningful. 


1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

I love our yummy tradition! Thanks for inviting us!