Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wed., 12/22/21, Picked up last minute groceries for Christmas dinner, went to Kimmy's, Vikki and kids came over

Jacob, Adam and Eli in the window this morning when I stopped over
Isaac and Peyton...they had a contest to see who could open the kisses for our pretzel treats the fastest...Peyton won by a couple seconds...They sure were a great help doing that for me

Me and Peyton making more pretzels
After the kids left, I made a couple of batches of dark chocolate pretzel treats

Sweet thank you note from Paul.  He sent it to thank us for the Christmas Card all on his own.  He is such an amazing person.  We love him too!

Shannon sent me this picture of James with the card and stickers I sent him.  He was so happy to get his own card in the mail.  He's so cute!

 I went to Pat's to get some last minute groceries and then to some other stores.  Then I went to Kimmy's and dropped off some powder sugar, because the stores by her were all out of it. I dropped off some muffins too.  I had picked them up because I thought they were coming today, but Adam had a sore throat and stuffy nose, so they couldn't.  I'm pretty sure it's allergies because it gets better later in the day, but Kimmy didn't want to take any chances.  It sure was good to see the boys through the window.  I'm so happy I went, because Kimmy didn't have a vehicle, so Jared was going to come home to mail their packages.  I was able to do it for him, so he could stay at work.  He's been really busy at work Kimmy said.  I stopped at McDonalds and got an ice tea and a free double cheeseburger.  After that I dropped off some goodies at Bev and Dave's from church.  She is 91 and had Covid and was in the hospital for quite a while.  She didn't need to go on the vent though so we were all thankful for that.  She is doing good now Praise the Lord!  Her husband never got it.  I tried to drop off Marie's giving tree gifts at Life Clinic, but no one was there today.  I stopped at Melissa's to drop off some money I owed her for gifts she ordered for me.  Then I picked up a few more gift cards for Christmas and some pop.  We had yummy nachos for dinner.  I wrapped the last of the gifts and brought some down and put them under the tree.  I kept Melissa's upstairs in the closet til we go to her house on Christmas.  I checked on the gift I ordered for Kenzie because it hasn't come.  Bummer....I couldn't find it in any order, so I looked in cancelled and there it was.  They cancelled it for some reason and didn't even let me know.  Now I have to give her a picture of it and it will be here Jan 3.  Also, a package was delivered by UPS today.  The guy rang the doorbell and I went to the door to get the package he left.  The package was just the box it came in with a picture of what it was on it.  Bill was right behind the UPS truck, but it was too late.  I already saw it.  They should make sure things are boxed or wrapped in paper when they deliver.  Bill said he got another one that was just the box it came in.  Kind of upsetting they would do that.  Bill and I watched A Christmas Wish.  It's a good movie that we watch every year.  The little girl loves God so much it just touches your heart.  Love my texts from Adam each day. 

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