Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday, 4/11/22 ,Isaac had his ultrasound, Beautiful day, 68 degrees out, Kit Kat's first whole day and night outside, Maddy and Alec came for dinner and to reveal to us what they are having!

Isaac at Tony's after his ultrasound
It was so nice out I did my morning reading and prayer time outside
Great news in Revelation.  Awesome worship of the Lord in His word!

Vikki found a water dispenser for Kit Kat and picked it up for me.  Kit Kat drank out of it right away.  Thank you Vikki.  You always find what I need!

Maddy and Alec

It was in the 50's when I woke up.  Isaac called me to let me know he had his ultrasound on his stomach.  They didn't see any ulcer so that was good.  He has been having pain in his waist for a long time.  

There was some loud thunder during the night and it rained and there was lots of lightening.  I only heard the loud thunder, but Vikki said the lightening was amazing.  I browned some round steak and put it in the crock pot with cream of chicken soup for tonight.  I put Kit Kat outside.  This is her move outside day.  She snuck in a couple of times, but loves it outside, so will adjust quickly.  I peeled potatoes while I talked to Vikki on the phone.  I went outside to read my Bible and pray.  How nice to be out there and hear the birds and feel the warmth of the sun.  Very thankful.  I walked around with Kit Kat and looked at my flowers that are getting blossoms.  I raked some leaves and pulled some weeds out to go in the yard waste can for tomorrow. 

 I came in and relaxed, then talked to Vikki again.  She picked up a great self watering dispenser for Kit Kat.  They came over and brought it to me.  Thank you Vikki!  She untaped it and filled it for me.  It is so nice and it is big so holds lots of water.  Peyton and Isaac tried out the new double scooter they got at Goodwill today.  Isaac got it down fast and Peyton did good when she tried it too. 
Maddy and Alec got here at 4:30.  We ate, then they had us close our eyes and put a cupcake in our hand to reveal the sex of their baby.  We were excited to see what it was and see the newest pictures, but have to keep it secret until after Easter when they reveal it to Maddy's grandparents and her family there.  We visited, had dessert, then visited some more. Bill shared his Vision he had back in 1981 with them.  Maddy shared her vision too.  We got to know each other better and talked about Jesus and His Word too.  They are such a nice young couple.  Bill is mentoring Alec who just accepted Jesus, and I am meeting with Maddy.  She already was mentored, so we just get together to talk.  

Texted with Eli and Adam.

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