Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday, Went to prayer, then church service. Helped in Kids Church, Went to Nori's,


Nice day in the 50's with lots of sunshine, yay!
Melissa sent me this picture of Evan.  Making progress on this hard puzzle, but it's slow and steady that's going to get it done

Peyton in the red in third row at her choir practice

Practicing for their songs for Joseph and His Coat of Technicolor

Ha ha, Peyton put her face mask on because she heard someone cough.  She's such a cute girl.

Went to prayer before church started.  Hailey, Vikki, Rody, Peyton and Isaac were at church with us.  I went back to help in Kids Church.  They had a really good lesson today, and my kids did so good and love Jesus so much.

After church, I talked to Diane.  She told me James had invited this man that was there to our church when he saw him at Nori's Restaurant.  He came today.  I ended up seeing him when I was just about to go out the door, so I thanked him for his service (he had a Navy hat on).  Diane invited us to go to Nori's with them, so we did.  We got there before them.  When they got there, the man at church was with them.  Then my friend Vicky T. came too.
The guy ended up being Melissa and Bruce's neighbor we found out while we were eating. 
Then Melissa told me it was Brian's dad (she used to go to COC with Brian)  We met another man there and talked to him about the Lord.  He shared a great testimony about God's protection from injury during a motorcycle accident he had.  We gave him a card inviting him to our Easter service next week too.  We have a couple that have been coming about 3 months now, who saw Bill's sweatshirt said New Life Church on it and asked where the church was.  Nori's has great food, great waitresses and is a great place to reach out to others and talk about Jesus.

I talked to Vikki, Melissa and Marie and texted with Adam.  

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