Monday, January 2, 2023

Monday,1/2/23, Kimmy and the boys came over for leftovers

Evan was the first boy up this morning.  He loved standing in front of the fireplace
These were the next two up
Evan making a pout face because I had lots of good plays
Eli on the move
Jack and Jacob
Evan relaxing
Adam and Jacob playing the wii.  Jacob was a stinker and stuck his tongue out
Eli...It was a relaxing kind of day for all of us!

Melissa sent me these pictures of the boy's friend, Elijah, who moved to Florida.  He and his mom came to visit them today.  They had so much fun hanging out.  They played together all through Covid times and their family was great friends to Melissa, Bruce and the kids.  So happy they always visit them when they are back in Saginaw.

 I woke up at 6:30 with a problem with my gum around my tooth.  It was very swollen and when I took dental floss to clean it, what felt like kind of an abscess started bleeding and went down quickly.  It started filling back up, so did some fervent praying and quoted Scripture.  Amazingly it went right down and stayed that way.  Bill told me I should still call the dentist, so I did at 8.  He wasn't supposed to be in his office until after noon, but he came in early to check it out.  He didn't have any hygienist coming in til after noon either.  His receptionist took the X-ray and did a good job.  The tooth was fine, praise the Lord, and he said it would be fine in a couple of days.  There wasn't any pain, just some swelling.  Nothing that I could feel anymore though.  He told me to rinse with warm salt water.  Evan got up, so I prayed with him and he ate breakfast.  We read chapter 4 in Proverbs and talked about it.  He is pretty wise for his age and knows lots of scriptures.  I told him I would only be gone to the dentist for a short time.  I left at 9:50 and was home by 10:15.  Very fast!  Yay!

I got home and Evan and I played 2 game of Skip Bo.  Evan won both games.  Then we played Sorry.  He won the first 2 and I won the last one.  He sure is fun to play games with.

The other boys got up while we were still playing Sorry.  They ate breakfast and then the kids all went down in the basement to play  They had lots of fun, then picked up all the nerf bullets before coming upstairs.  

Kimmy and Jared got here and we all ate left overs.  Kimmy and Jared played partners against Bill and I in Skip Bo.  Bill and I were ahead the whole game and then Kimmy and Jared got amazing cards and won.  I was stuck with the number 9 for much of the game.

Kimmy worked on returning Adam's Christmas light mouse pad we got him because it doesn't work.  She also ordered me some screen protectors for my watch.  Jared and Bill were partners against Kimmy and I after that.  They did lots of table talking.  When Kimmy tried the exact same thing they did the hand before, they wouldn't let us get away with it.  Kimmy put the card back and we played fairly.  We were ahead, but at the end there was 1 card difference.  Jared motioned to Bill to pick up his card (table talk for sure) (cheat cheat) and Bill who was laying his card down.  He stopped and did what Jared was showing him.  So therefore, Kimmy and I declared ourselves the winners  We sure had fun hanging out with them.  

Bruce took Max and Vader to Kimmy's so he could see how Vader would do with Wyatt.  I know Max will have a good time there.  

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