Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Wed., 1/4/23, Bill went with Charlie for coffee, I did some end of year stuff,

I asked Bill if he wanted to play 3-13.  He brought the cards, plus the Skip Bo game.  

Bill went with Charlie for coffee.  I had my oatmeal (with strawberries this time) and my morning coffee.  I checked on my friend Lisa a few times.  Her mom went on an outing with friends, so Lisa wanted to make sure I would be around in case she had a health issue.  She's been having some spells where she faints.  I tried to get her to let me pick her up so she could come spend the day with me, but she just wanted to stay home, which isn't like her.  

I played some amazing worship music which was awesome to worship to.  Then I did my prayer time and Bible time.  Always the best time of the day for me.  Bill got home and brought me a yummy blueberry muffin from Charlie.  I waited to eat it until lunchtime.  

After lunch, Bill and I took short naps in our loveseat recliner.  I slept longer than I wanted to.  We ate leftovers from our Christmas dinner Sat.  I texted Stacie and she called me.  I had told her I had the ham bone and turkey carcass in my freezer because Vikki dropped it off.  On New Years Eve, when they were leaving, DJ said he had put them in the car.  Well come to find out, Vikki handed him the big bag of left over rolls Kimmy had made and took there, thinking it was the other bag.  Today DJ told Stacie she should start cooking the ham bone and when she got it out it was rolls.  When she found out she could keep them she was elated because she loves Kimmy's rolls.  She put some in the freezer to have later too.

Bill and I played 3-13.  He was in the negative 30's and I was in the positive 40's, but in the last few hands things turned around a little.  There were still about 40 points between us, but in the Ace round, I had a pat hand winning hand and stuck him with 58 points which made me the winner.  It was pretty amazing.  We played Skip Bo after that and I won at that too.  It was sure my night.  Afterwards, Bill and I watched the movie, Running the Bases on Amazon Prime.  We had to rent it, but 4.99 is much cheaper than going to the movie theater.  It was a good movie, but had some sad parts.  We both liked it though and it sure had a good message about following God.  We can watch it for 30 days so others will probably watch it when here to.  Hailey is spending the night, but came after we watched it so said she wants to watch it.    Hailey was upstairs reading and relaxing before bed at around 11:30, and we just heard a big crash.  I yelled to her to see if she was okay.  She was!  It was some tubs of stuff in the attic that fell over and made lots of noise.  I had just been in there earlier moving some things around, but they weren't the tubs I had move.  Go figure...don't know what caused that.


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