Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday, 1/15/23, Left for home, Stopped at Gramma’s Kitchen, went to Olive Garden With Vikki and Terry

Saw this funny coaster at Gramma’s Kitchen lol

Yay, back in Michigan 
Terry, Vikki, me and Bill

We left our hotel at 8 a.m.   Drove 2 hours to Grammy’s Kitchen and met Al and Lucy, Doug and Sue and Dave and his wife there for breakfast.  It was a big yummy breakfast!  We left there and headed for home sweet home.  We stopped for gas once, then stopped another time to use the restrooms.  Bill decided to top off the gas tank there.  We spent $80 in gas for the whole trip!!

I messaged my friend Vikki and set it up to meet her and Terry at the Olive Garden around 6:30.  We texted back and forth. She called me to ask if we wanted to spend the night at their house.  We wanted to head home afterwards but it was sure sweet of her to ask.  She is the bestest friend ever!  We didn’t run into much traffic even by Chicago which we were happy about!  We got to the Olive Garden on schedule and Terry came and took me to the table, then went to wait for Bill to come out of the bathroom to show him where we were.  We ate and had such a great visit.  Bill and Terry worked together so they had lots to talk about.  They are great friends too.  Melissa called and asked for prayer for Abby because she moved wrong and now couldn’t use her legs and barked and yelped because she didn’t want anyone by her.  We left the restaurant at 9 and headed on the rest of our journey home.  I called Melissa after we left the restaurant and she said five minutes after we prayed, Abby let her come up to her without barking and let her pick ER up and carry her around.  She let her put her in Vader’s cage where she would feel safer and had some leftover medicine from the last time this happened to give her.  We all love our Abby.  

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