Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tues, 1/17/23, Maddy came for lunch and to spend the afternoon, Brielle was so cute and sweet, Went to Jack's Basketball game

Me and Brielle at Biggby Coffee
Such a cute sweetie!
Maddy and Brielle 
Jack and Caleb during the game
Jack playing...he's under the scoreboard..didn't get a good picture
Papa, Jack and me
Papa, Evan and me
Bill getting ready to play SkyJo with me.  It a new card game we learned in Iowa, something like tonk with more cards.  No Jacks or Jokers, but some -1's and -2's.  It was lots of fun! Can't wait to play it with the kids and grandkids.

Bill took the trash out, and I helped him load our big angel picture in the truck so he could take it to Goodwill.  After he left to do that, I made chicken salad.  I also put some chicken in the crockpot to cook to make noodle casserole.  Maddy and Brielle came over at around 11 and we visited for an hour.  I got to hold Brielle lots.  She was so smiley and tries to talk lots.  She loves baby toys now too.  She fell asleep for a while after she ate, so we ate lunch then.  Maddy loved the chicken salad sandwiches and ate two, plus tried a cup of Bill's noodle soup.  We prayed for Brielle, and some other people and Abby, visited more, than we went to the Biggby Coffee that just opened up by us.  I got an Avalanche iced coffee and she got an energy drink.  We sat in comfy lounge chairs.  I fed Brielle her bottle.  She loves eating now.  She eats less more often, because she was throwing up her medicine, so not much was left to help with her eye.  Now the doctor is putting her on some different medicine that hopefully won't upset her stomach.  She also wants her to go back to the eye specialist, because she is concerned about her going blind in that eye.  Right now she looks all over with it, but the doctor said the brain can tell the eye not to work with what she's got and she doesn't want that to happen.  I will be so happy when this is taken care of and she's all better.  We visited there for about an hour, then came back to my house so Maddy could change her.  We visited a little more, than they left.  Bill and I did our Bible reading and devotions and then we went to Jack's basketball game.  It was against the best team and sure was a close one.  We are going to his game tomorrow night too.  I made up the noodle casserole when we got home and we ate.  After that we played our new game.  We had lots of fun and lots of laughs.  Bill won, but not by much. 


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