Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday, 5/22/23, Met Kimmy to get plants, went to Kimmy's, Picked Peyton and Isaac up from school, Kenzie and Vikki picked up the kids, Bruce and Max came over

When the buds open the blossoms are absolutely beautiful 
Kenzie with chicken and Jacob with Wyatt
Isaac went and got in the barn he used to play in right away
Peyton relaxing drinking her McFlurry
Isaac and Peyton playing 3-13 with me.  I was the winner and had to pick up the game
Planted this Bellflower plant today that I got with my gift coupon from Jacob and Eli's fundraiser
I planted two more butterfly bush plants.  Mine haven't come up from last year yet.  Don't know if they are going to.  They are beautiful plants and the butterflies love them.
Max practicing knife throwing at our house.  He is just learning.
First stop Jack's class made yesterday. Flight 93 National Memorial

Jack's class at the Battle of Gettysburg yesterday. Second stop they made.  Jack on the left of the statue's head with his hand on the head

Before he left on his trip, Jack got the Class Mathematician Award

I dug up some of the bergamot plant Kimmy gave me last year and put it into containers to take to Kimmy. She called me when she was leaving and I left then too.  We met at Lapham's greenhouse in Midland and picked out our plants we got with the gift certificates from Jacob and Eli's band fundraiser.  After that we went to Kimmy's.  Vikki and Kenzie were already there and of course Jacob who is done with school now.  We had fun hanging out and Kimmy had a nice lunch for us.  A yummy salad which was cut up perfectly and a great sandwich.  
Vikki and Kenzie left for Kenzie's ultrasound.  Kimmy showed me where the Oriole's nest was, then she dug up a hollyhock for me and another plant I liked.  I came home and planted the plants, then I went to pick up Peyton and Isaac from school.  They were excited to see me and really happy that I had air conditioning in the car.  Vikki's is broke right now and she's getting it fixed.  We stopped at McDonald's on our way home and the kids got McFlurries and I got a Frappe'.  

When we go home, they watched some TV, then we went outside and they played on the swings and trapeze.  I fed my orioles and filled some feeders.  We came inside and played a game of 3-13.  Vikki and Kenzie got here right as we finished the last hand.  Then they left to go to the Olive Garden.  

Bill had to go to an Elder's meeting at church.   I warmed up some of the grilled dinner I made the other night and ate. Bruce and Max came over to practice knife throwing.  I watched for a while.  Then I took a longer leash to put Vader on and also some water.  He took a drink right away.  They left and I came in the house after that.  Bill got home from his meeting and we talked for a while, then he put in a movie for us to watch.  It was a really good movie called the Gospel of John.

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