Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sat. 5/27/23, Went on motorcycle ride to Bubba's Memorial Weekend event, took cover off pool and added water.

Jeff, Isaac, Mark, Bill, Brad and Jen
Isaac, Brad, Mark, Jen, me and Bill
Sandy, Mary and Mark in the CMA booth
Sandy and Marge sitting in the booth
People voting or People's Choice bike for the bike show
Me and Jenny 
It was 78 degrees in the sun, so many of us were under tents in the back on the left.
The blossoms are so pretty on my Clematis now

Lilacs are in full bloom and are so beautiful.  They smell so good too
Woodpecker likes oriole food
Kit Kat snoozes so sound next to me.  She doesn't even move when I get up
Bill and I uncovered the pool.  Not too bad.  Won't need too many chemicals to clear it up.
Pictures Vikki sent me of their day at Kenzie's.  Eli with Myles above and Vikki, Kimmy, Kenzie, Eli and Peyton below.  They had a fun time.

Kenzie sent me these pictures.  Blueberries plants they planted today.  Also below is a planter Kenzie got.  It reminded her of me.  I have one somewhat like it.  Hers is so cute!

We got ready in the morning, I ate cereal, we read our Bibles, then we headed out on the motorcycle to meet up with Faith Riders to ride to Bubba's.  When we got there, there was only 6 of us, which was strange.  Mark and Jeff checked the email from Faith Riders and it said it is tomorrow not today that they are riding.  We decided it was so nice out that we would all still go.  Plus we all wanted to be in church tomorrow morning.  Bill led the group and did a great job.  We got to see friends from Trinity Riders that we haven't got to see for a while which was really nice.  We got to hang out with Brad and Jen and get to know them better which was nice too.  We got to meet and talk to people we didn't know too. We got there at around 10 and stayed till around 3:30.  We ate at 3 and the food was really good.  They served the food and were very careful which was nice.  After we got done eating, we left for home.
It was a nice ride.  We went by where the 18 yr. old from Hemlock was in the car accident and was killed which was sad.  They have barrels with flashers up there because they went in the ditch and hit a driveway culvert and did damage.  He was a passenger and drinking was involved.  He was an only child.  His name was Dax.  I am praying for his family.  

When we got home, we took the cover off of the pool. Bill had suctioned the water off the cover yesterday, so it was dry and easy to get off.  We put the hose in to fill up the water to where the filter goes.  We are going to have some very hot weather, so want to have it filled and have it warm up quickly.  No rain in the forecast, so I am watering plants too.  We went to get the pool water tested and find out if we need anything we don't have for it, but they were closed.  I talked to Melissa.  They had gone out to Frankenmuth for the dog show.  Max loved watching the Border Collies herd the sheep.  It was hot and very crowed, and there was a medical emergency which postponed the next event, so they left early.  

Kimmy, Vikki, Eli and Peyton went to Kenzie's to hang out.  They planted some blueberry bushes, went to a thrift store where Vikki found some good finds, and Kenzie made yummy spaghetti for them.  

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