Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thurs, 1/25/24,, Went to Prudenville for our friend’s sons funeral, Stopped in Gladden and went in a shop, went to Costco,

We were riding on 18 to Prudenville, 10 miles past Meredith, when we saw flashers and a couple of fireman on the road.  The one stopped us and told us to go really slow because there was a vehicle that slid off the road.  He said a tow truck was coming and to be really careful because it was very icy.  Yikes!  Bill had been driving 55 and we didn’t think it was slippery out at all.  We went past and didn’t notice any ice.  He did drive much slower after that though. 

Rehvyn was at his Grammy Vikki’s and played with the first rattle she bought him the day before she found out Kenzie was pregnant.  
Peyton is loving helping babysitting him
Such a cute smile!
He and Isaac are so cute
Grammy Vikki with her sweetie
Another cute picture of Peyton holding sweet baby

I got up at 7 this morning and got ready.  It was pretty foggy outside.  I fed Kit Kat and gave her some attention, then went inside and read my Bible.  I did some crocheting after that.  I had to rip out some, and redo it and I wanted to do it while I remembered what I had to do.
I’m thankful I have a video to follow.  Bill got up and got ready, then we left for Prudenville to go to our friend’s, Jerry and Sandy’s son’s funeral.  He was 55 and had a bleed and died. 
Very sad.  The pastor gave a wonderful message and the dad shared and lots of his son’s friends shared.  They had a nice meal afterwards.  We sat with some other friends from CMA and visited with them.  We told Sandy and Jerry goodbye and then headed home.  It was even foggier out.  Bill took it slow.  When we got by Gladwin, it started getting clearer out.  We went into an antique and clothing store and looked around.  Bill found a nice leather jacket with a zip in liner he liked, so he got that.  She came down $10 so the price was right.  I didn’t find anything, but had fun looking at everything.  

We got to Midland, and Bill asked me if I wanted to stop at Costco.  I had a $10 gift certificate, so I told him yes.  We haven’t been there for a while.  We picked up a few tings and ate lots of samples.  They had some cashews in a bag for 12.98.  It looked like more than in the plastic container we buy there, so got some.  We also picked up Forever stamps at the checkout.  They are going to be the old price until Feb. 18 for members.  We were getting pretty low and didn’t get any before they raised the price, so this was a blessing.  We talked to Melissa on our way home.  We put groceries away when we got home.  

Vikki face timed me and showed me how Rehvyn plays with a rattle now.  He also loved the toys hanging above him and would touch them.  He just keeps getting cuter every time I see him.  Kenzie was there so I told her I couldn’t answer my phone when she called me during the funeral.  I sure was happy to see her and the baby.  Maddy was there too, but I didn’t know it until I was about to hang up. I told her I would have said hi earlier if I would have heard right.  I thought Vikki said Rody was there.  She and Kenzie went to TJ Max and shopped while Grammy Vikki and the kids watched Rehvyn.  Lucky them!  Vikki sent me the pictures I posted of him.

Bill worked on stuff for the Seasons of Refreshing Flyer and I worked on the blog.  Going to crochet some now.

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