Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tues.7/2/24, Kimmy, Eli and Adam came up for the day and brought Jack and Evan with them. We walked around the campground, the kids all swam and rode their bikes, and had fun hanging out together! Eli, Jack and Evan spent the night

Isaac in the morning 
Jack, Adam, Peyton, Isaac, Evan and Eli in the camper with us
Fun at the pool!
Kimmy and Vikki painting their toenails
Spaghetti for dinner tonight 

The kids at the table after eating hotdogs and popcorn at 10:30 at night

Eli and friends on their Washington DC trip…he just sent them to me so their a little late getting posted

 We slept until almost 9:30 this morning.  We ate breakfast and then Peyton and I walked to the store.  We registered to have our tanks dumped, and I picked up two bags of chocolate donuts to have with the kids later.  Then we walked around the campground on that end.

Kimmy, Adam, Eli, Jack and Evan came up for the day.  The kids walked around and Kimmy and I went for a walk too.  Then the kids rode their bikes through the trails.  We ate lunch, the went to the pool and watched the kids all swim.  It started raining so we all went to the indoor pool.  We girls hung out together at the camper while the kids had fun doing things together..  

Kimmy and Adam left and the other boys are spending the night in the tent.  I made spaghetti for dinner.  The kids told us a little 4 year old girl was lost, so we prayed right away and called Kimmy to pray.  We were just getting ready to go help look for her when Peyton came and told us they found her sleeping in a chair at their campsite.  We were so thankful.  The kids came back to our camper at 9:30 because it was raining.  All the kids but Eli had popcorn.  Vikki warmed hot dogs up for all of them except Eli who didn’t want one.  At 11 they got in there tent to go nite nite.  Vikki played a Bible chapter on her phone and then after that was done made beds up and then we all went to bed.

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