Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday, 9/20/24, Slept in, sat around campfire, New MemberRuss came up, Kathy, Jeff $ Russ visited us at our campsite, to Mr. B’s for dinner with everyone, Campfire again, Doug and Sue came at 8:30, We all helped them with shining lights so they could see to park and whatever else they needed help with

Kathy, Russ, Jeff and Bill
Hailey is going on a hiking trip

Bill and his no cheese pizza
Evan had kids at school sign his cast.  His ankle isn’t broken praise God. Just a bad sprain 
Peyton puttin the gooses clothes on her.   Natalie gave them to Vikki

Slept in.  Visited lots during the day. Russ came up and did the prevride with Jeff.  They came and visited us when they got back and so did Kathy!  Mel and Betty , Kathy and Jeff, Jerry and Brenda, and Maggie, Jack, Ivy and Ricky, Jerry and Brenda and Julie and Phil all went to Mr. B’s for dinner.  It was a lot of fun and great food.  At 8:30p.m.  Doug and Sue came.  We all helped them as it was dark out when they got there.  Then we went back to sitting around the campfire and they joined us.  Bill and I played 3-13. I lost again!

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