Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday, 9/14/24, Breakfast at the church, amazing ride down West H58, ice cream stop, visit with Him and Bev at camper, dinner at church, drawing for quilt,then worship,

Cute picture Adam sent me
Bill, Ron, and Barb getting ready for our ride!
Susie was ready to ride too.  She’s such a sweet dog!
Bill in Grand Marais 
On our amazing ride!  It was just beautiful and curvy.  A lot like the Tunnel of Trees.  So much fun!  The round stickers on our windshield is for the bug run.  Whoever has the most bugs on the targets wins and gets the money sent into Run for the Son in their name.  Ron had a bug on his when we got back and so did we but his was definitely a bigger bug, so he won
Beautiful lakes on our 
Lake Superior Lookout
Barb, Ron, Judy, Val, Don, Bill and Jerry
Val had me get in and she took the picture 

Val got caught by the bear too lol

Ice cream stop, Cheryl, Arnie and Alice joined us there

Barb, Don and Alice at our ice cream stop
In the church parking lot for dinner
Dinner before the service was delicious.  They served roast beef, roast pork, chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, green beans, and lots of desserts.  The people from the church made it and even had a lady playing the violin while we ate.  It was so nice.  They actually used good china too!
Bill was the speaker for the evening and gave a great message.  He did an amazing job! I’m so proud of him!

Rehvyn and nana FaceTiming 

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