Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tues., 9/24/24, Happy Birthday In Heaven Grandma Rozella, took Carol to eye doctor, went to Melissa’s, pain clinic with Bill, Sam’s Club & Penney’s, home to relax, to Rescue Mission Dinner/Fundraiser with Wes and Gayla

Rehvyn saying Papa, Papa, Papa.......Papa won!  I wanted him to say Nana first.  He is so cute!  

Eli eating his caramel apple
Adam eating his caramel apple
These two anticipating eating their caramel apples lol

 Happy Birthday to my Grandma Rosella in heaven.  She was the best grandma ever!  She invested lots of time and love into my sister and I.  I sure do miss her.  

Bill wanted to get the grass cut since it is so long.  I took his sister, Carol, to her eye appointment.  She got right in and they had oxygen there for her so she could save her tank for on the way home.  Her appointment went well.  She has to have cataract surgery on the right eye on 10/28 and then on the left eye on 11/4.  Bill is going to take her to one of the surgeries and I will take her to the other.  After I dropped her back off at home, I stopped at Old Town Drive in and got a coney dog, small fry and root beer.  It sure tasted good.  I went to Melissa’s afterward and sample some of Bruce’s spiced cider he made from the apples I our green.  YUM!  It tasted so good. It was made with apples off from our tree.  He and Jack did a great job making it.  I bought some candy bars from Evan that he is selling for technical equipment for the school.  I got to see Max while I was there because he’s home because of exams this week at college.  Melissa and I went to Walmart.  I took her home afterwards and I went home and relaxed for a few minutes before Bill had to go to the pain clinic.  I was his driver.  I went to Penney’s while he was in getting injections in his hip.  I was heading to Sam’s Club when he called me and said he was done.  It only took about a half hour for this injection.  I cut through a mall and then headed to get him.  We went to Sam’s Club together after that.  We came home and relaxed for a half hour, then got ready and went to meet Wes and Gayla at the Rescue Mission.  They were sponsoring a table and had invited us.  There were so many great testimonies of what God has done and new ministries at the Rescue Mission.  It was wonderful to hear them.   We visited for a few minutes, then left for home.  

Kenzie face timed me when I got home and showed me Rehvyn being really cute.  I love seeing him and the cute things he does. He is such a fun age right now.  She sent me video’s of him earlier.  She is always so sweet about calling me and letting me see Rehvyn.  I am sure thankful for that.  Bill was sure happy about the video of Rehvyn saying Papa.  I heard him playing it a few times.  I talked to Melissa, Vikki and Kimmy today.  


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