Friday, September 13, 2024

Fri. 9/13/24, Rode motorcycles to Zellow’s Restaurant for breakfast, went on a ride afterwards, hung out at campground, made pizzas on our electric grill, went to evening CMA service, had pizza afterwards, played 3-13

Our campsite
Our friends, Ron and Barb’s campsite 
Bill reading his Bible
Beautiful morning…54 degrees out but it warmed up fast and we had a high of 82 degrees 

Our afternoon ride was fun
Worship in the evening service
Prayer for Barb and others at the end of service after some amazing testimonies of miracles God did.

 We got ready, read our Bibles, then went to breakfast at a good restaurant Barb and Ron knew of.  Some of her relatives live in Newberry.  After breakfast we went on a nice ride by the lake.  We came back and relaxed, visited outside with some  friends.  Don, Val, Jerry and Judy came up to camp here in their motor homes.  I made pizzas up and Bill put them on the grill.  I made some no cheese ones for him so he could take one to the church so he would have it when we all had pizza’s they provided for us.  The grill baked the fast and was so nice to use.  Bill S. From Iron Mountain came to talk with Bill.  At 6 we all went over for the evening service.  It was a good service!  We all ate pizza afterwards.  Tomorrow morning she’s having pancakes, sausage and biscuits for everyone. We came back to the camper and played 3-13

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