Tuesday, September 10, 2024

9/10/24, Met Sue at noon and set up the lobby and sanctuary for Charlie’s Memorial, came home and packed refrigerator and freezer stuff in the camper, Got the groceries I need for our camping trip,

 I didn’t take any pictures today.  Sue called and wanted me to meet her at our church at noon and help set up the pictures, etc for Charlies Memorial service tomorrow.  Her niece Yvonne, and husband Ron met us there too.  Pastor Ken was there to help us too and got all the easels to hold the picture out for us.  He was so kind and helped so much.  He got a call from Pastor Jeff who is helping with the memorial service tomorrow and he said he missed two steps in his basement and fell and sprained his ankle really bad.  They put him on the prayer page right away to get everyone praying.  

When I got home, I did laundry and packed things in clothes baskets that had to be taken out to the camper.  Bill picked up Max and he came over to practice shooting.  Max is liking college a lot.  Vader did tricks for me and I gave him some cheerio’s for treats. He’s such a great dog.  I watched him while the target practiced because it’s too loud for Vader.  He stayed right by me.  Bill took Max to an appointment, then home.   I went to Prayer at church.  It was awesome.  God is moving in so many ways in so many lives.  

We watched the debate when I got home. 


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