Saturday, September 7, 2024

9/7/24, 48 degrees out in the morning...burrrrBreakfast at Bringer Inn with Faith Riders, Bikes on the Bricks

It was a cool 48 degrees out when we got up this morning....Fireplace took the chill off.
We rode our motorcycle and met Faith Riders at Bringer Inn for breakfast.  Lew, Wes, Don and Jerry
Lew, Wes, Elaine, Gayla next to Elaine but not in picture, Don and Jerry
Lined up and ready for take off
Wes and Gayla at the Harley Dealership.  We blockers had to wear orange vests
Elaine giving the Bike Blessing.  She did a great job and Jesus was glorified.  Jim is next to her
Bill at the Harley dealer
Gayla and I visiting
Me.....lots of layers on
Lew and the rest of Faith Riders ready to ride and block
Blockers lined up after Jim instructed us on what to do
Policemen on motorcycles were ahead of us blockers so, some could escort the ride and others would ride into intersection and the bike behind would follow and remain there while the police went back into their place

Bill Blocking our intersection
Lots of cool bikes in Flint at Bikes on the Bricks
Bill, Wes, Ron and Gayla at the CMA Booth there
Bill and I in the booth.  We got to pass out tracks and Bibles, and talk to people about Jesus.  So Blessed!
Bill on our trike

This is the grill they sent us to replace the one that melted.  It is so nice and the grates are much heavier than the grates that melted.  This is their top of the line.  It came with a stand too.

Revhyn was so tired he fell asleep when Vikki left the room for a minute.

We got up and it was cold in the house, so I started the electric fireplace.  It took the chill off pretty quickly.  We got ready and got all of our layers on and jackets, then left and headed to the Bringer Inn.  We had a great breakfast with Faith Riders, then got on our motorcycles and left for Flint on the back roads.  With all of my layer and my heated seats, I stayed nice and warm.  We got to the Harley Dealer and parked where they wanted those who were blocking intersections to park.  We walked around the Dealership and looked at bikes and things for a while, then went outside because Elaine from our Faith Rider Chapter was going to do the bike blessing.  The prayer she prayed and the things she shared about Jesus were amazing.  She did such a great job.  Jesus was definitely glorified.  

We blockers went to where our bikes were parked and listened to the instructions from our friend Jim and another person.  We have blocked for many years, but it is always good to get a refresher.  We lined up and left after that.  It was a fifty mile long parade route with many motorcycles and lots of people outside cheering for us as we traveled.  When we had gone about 40 miles, we came to the intersection they wanted us to block while the parade went through.  Bill videoed the bikes as they passed by.  When we saw the Police car and the ambulance with their flashers going, we knew we had to get back in line ahead of them.  
It was a very nice and a very organized ride.  We ended up in town at Bikes on the Bricks.  
We walked around and found the CMA booth.  Debbie and Paul were covering it, so Gayla and Wes received them so they could walk around.  Bill and I went and got Koegel Hotdogs and ate, then we walked around some more. We went and relieve Wes and Gayla after that o they could go eat.  We enjoyed talking to people, giving Bibles to those who wanted them and giving people rag tracks...microfiber cloths to wipe their bikes down with at track inside.
There were two other booths with people sharing the Gospel.  I folded the microfiber cloths with the track inside when we got low.  Debbie and Paul, and Wes and Gayla came back to the booth.  We hung out for a while, then walked around one last time and then left for home.  We were going to stop for ice cream on the way home, but I told Bill on the way home that we could just have ice cream with bananas when we got home.  I play my worship music when we ride.

We got home, read our Bibles, I did my hand exercises, then we took naps and slept til 9.  Then we woke up and I made banana splits for us.  Yum!  We stayed up til almost midnight.


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