Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday 9/23/24, Slept in, I got the inside of the camper ready and Bill did the outside stuff. Doug and Sue helped us load up wood and put it in our trailer, Nice day for the drive home, 66 degrees, unpacked, talked to the girls, relaxed, talked to Sue, Bill had elder’s meeting

Lots of leaves are starting to fall
Kit Kat was happy I was home and snuggled on the swing with me while I talked to Sue on the phone
Lots of birds coming to the new acorn peanut feeder now
Nice night for electric fire place and was candle melting 
Six weeks and my hand is back to normal.  Yay!

We slept in til 8:30.  Made our coffees, then I got the inside ready to go and Bill did the outside stuff.  Went to load the wood Phil and Bill had bought for the weekend into the trailer.  Doug and Sue saw us and came right over to help load it.  They are great friends.  We said our goodbyes, then we went back and Bill dumped the tanks.  We headed home then.  It was a sunny but cooler day with a temperature of 66 for a high.  I made Bill a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while he drove and I had a turkey and Swiss sandwich.
We had Frito’s with it as we rode down the road.  We got home, unpacked everything, then sat and relaxed for a while the laundry was being washed.   We took an hour nap.  Then I warmed up chili for our dinner.  Bill had to do to an elder’s meeting.  I sat outside on the swing and gave Kit Kat some attention while I talked to Sue.  She hasn’t got her kitty yet, but probably will tomorrow.  I got the laundry folded and put away.  Worked on my blog. 
I talked to the girls to catch up on how everyone was doing.  Jack and Evan went to youth group at Hopevale last night and loved it.  I was happy to hear that.  Hailey’s friend, Ruger, gave his testimony Sunday at Church via video Melissa said.  I listened to it after I hung up from talking to Melissa.  Great testimony of how God is working in his life and how he has a relationship with God now and not just going to church on Sunday’s.  It makes such a difference when you get into God’s Word and know what He says, TRUTH.  Ruger is now an intern for the youth.


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