Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday, 9/22/24, Went to breakfast at the Hen House, Everyone packed up and left other than Doug, Sue and us, went to Pinconning and Tawas, hungout at their camper for a couple of hours, rain in the evening

Bill and Mel talking before Mel left the campground 
This is the size shopping cart I need when I go to Northwoods lol
Jack with the bike he took apart and replaced parts on. He did an amazing job! Way to go Jack!
Bill and I when it was raining 
Relaxing in our home away from home.  

 At 8:30 we rode with Doug and Sue in their truck to the Hen House for breakfast.  It had sprinkled earlier, so we wanted to stay dry. Kathy and Jeff met us there.  We had a really good breakfast and fun visit and had the nicest waitress.  

We came back to the campground and said goodbye to everyone who was leaving.  After they all left, we rode in Doug and Sue’s truck and went to Pinconnng and walked through Northwoods.  We bought some stuff and then went to Purtells for Hot Fudge Banana Sundaes. I should have taken a picture! They were huge.  That ended up being our lunch.  We rode through Standish, AuGres, and then drove through Tawas so we could show them the big dock and make favorite Ben Franklin Store.  When we got almost to West Branch, it started raining.  Just sprinkles though.  We got back and rested for a while, listened to our church service online, then went to Doug and Sue’s campsite to visit for a while.  It started raining around 8:30 so we came back to our camper.  We ate some chili, and Bill ate some chips and salsa he got at Northwoods.  It stopped raining at 9:15.  We played 3-13.

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