Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wed., 9/18/24, Angie and Tina left for Kansas, made chili for chili cookoff, Vikki came over, went to Sue’s, Evan broke his ankle, filled motorhome with gas for 2.96 at Sam's

Bible reading on the deck in the morning
Found this cute acorn peanut feeder at Menards yesterday
Max and Papa working together
Peyton got to each lunch with Officer Jeff.  She was picked for being the good kid of the week.  I am so proud of her and how kind and respectful she is.

Love FaceTiming with Kenzie and Rehvyn
Rehvyn came crawling really fast to get the phone I was FaceTiming on
Poor Evan at Med Express.  He broke his ankle at play practice when he jumped off the steps
Wow, it’s really swollen. Ouch!
Home, on crutches and he’s always smiling

I hung the acorn peanut feeder I got from Menard’s yesterday up in the tree.  Then I picked vegetables in the garden in the morning.  Got lots of tomatoes, peppers and two big watermelons. I had chili made and simmering.   I pulled one onion to take camping with us too.  I came in and started. chopping onions and cutting green peppers up for the chili.  I peeled a couple of huge potatoes to dice and put in the chili.  Bill left at 11 to go pick up Max.  They came here to work on guns.  I gave Bill a bowl of chili.  Max wasn’t hungry.  I went out on the deck to read my Bible.  It was another beautiful day.  I packed a few more things in the camper for our camping weekend.  After I was done, I went to Meijer to get a few plastic containers to put the chili in.  I picked up four large ones and a couple of small ones.  Then I got gas at Sam’s Club.  I saw it went up at the two gas stations I passed and was $3.49 a gal.  When I got to Sam’s it was $3.05.  Much better!  I called Bill and told him and he an Max headed there to get gas too and it was still $3.05 .  Bill took Max home after that.  Kenzie FaceTimed me twice today.  I love seeing Rehvyn and all the cute things he does and I love seeing Kenzie too.  It makes my day!  Vikki came over after her doctor appointment and had a quick bowl of chili before she had to pick the kids up from school.  I was on stand by in case she needed me to pick them up.  She left to go get the kids.  I left and took some veggies to Lisa’s and then went to Sue’s and took her some chili and veggies too.  Charlie’s sister, Marsha got there right after me.  I visited with them for a while.  Sue is going to look at a Kitty tonight.  She may get it.  It’s grey and white and is really cute. It’s 3 years old, spayed and declawed.  Marsha was taking her to look at it.  

Bill and I went to get gas in the motorhome and it was $2.96 at Sam’s now.  Could hardly believe it.  That’s really good when you have to fill up a big motorhome.  We came home and Bill power washed the motor home and his motorcycle, I washed the awning and also washed the windows.  It was good team work.  

Melissa called me to see if I saw the pictures she sent me.  I hadn’t so she told me Evan broke his ankle and explained that he jumped off some steps at play practice and landed wrong on it.  I looked at the pictures and couldn’t believe how swollen it was.  My poor Evan.  The doctor is sending him to see an Orthopedic Surgeon.  Praying for him lots! 

Tina and Angie kept us posted on where they were on their trip home.  When they were 190 miles from Kansas City they stopped for the night. 

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