Tuesday, September 17, 2024

jTuesday, 9/17/24, Bill took his sister Carol to her dentist appt. with Tina, to Spatz Bread and Hillcrest Bakery, got groceries for camping, caramel apples from Jack’s, fed birds, watered plants

Melissa sent me these cute pictures of Jack, her and Evan

Bill and his 68 Corvette he had when I met him.  It was bright red but picture is old.  His arm is in a cast from his 35 foot fall onto cement at the plant where he worked.  I sure did love riding in this car.
This is right after I met him.
This picture came up in my memories today.  It’s me with my Sunday School Class.  Jack is right to the left of me.  He is 16 years old now.  Love all these kids who aren’t little anymore

 Bill left early to go take Carol to her 8:30 dentist appt.  Tina went with them.  After her appt., they went to Spatz Bakery for bread, Hillcrest Bakery for donuts.  Bill brought some home for me.  Yum!  I put worship music on.  Such great words to worship God with.  It sure makes a difference in my day and in my life.  

I went to Meijer and took pop cans back and got a couple things.  Then went to Jack’s to get burger for making chili, sirloin burgers and sunflower seeds for the birds.  Stopped at Melissa’s.  She came outside.  We talked for a few minutes.  She said her throat is hardly sore now and no other symptoms.  That made me so happy.  I dropped off 5 caramel apples from Jack’s.  I stopped at Menard’s after that and got a really cute acorn feeder for nuts and seeds.  It was the right price too.  Got some peanuts for it too.  

I ate the rest of my steak sandwich and had a donut.   I read my Bible out on the deck. Then I filled bird feeders, put water in bird baths and washed oriole and humming bird feeders.  I watered plants with the sprinkler.   Did some cleaning upstairs.  Did my hand exercises.  

Awesome how God has protected President Trump again.  Thank You Lord!  

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