Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday, 9/1/24, I taught Bible Study, breakfast at the Dining hall, no cheese eggs made special for Bill, service, Wes and Gayla came today, Lunch with them, Memorial service, helped Fran, Goodies tear down, ride with Sandy and Gayla on golf cart, dinner in dining hall, visit with Lew, Cindy, Wes, Gayla, Isaac gave his testimony

Friends Michelle and Jerdon’s new puppy
Sue, Tiny, Sandy, Bill and Doug.....Doug and Sue did the Memorial service and did a great job.
Bike games today!  So much fun to watch.  I couldn’t do them because of my hand, but Wes and Gayla filled in for me. 
Barb, Tiny, Bill and Pat
Rhonda doing the board game. Barry lined up to go next
Paul waiting for his turn
Jeff and Kathy with friends watching the games
Friends Bev and Ron and Gail and Mike watching too
It was so much fun to see these kids riding their bikes and competing against each other
Friends Dennis and Jane watching
Friends Ron, Barb and Gayla watching
Friends Wes and Joel with Bill watching
I switched places with Bill when he went to be in one of the games
Bill and Wes lined up for the games
Jane and Jay lined up waiting for their turn
Bill and Wes doing the roadkill pick up game
Wes and Bill picking up stuffed animal roadkill in a net
They did great, but didn’t win
Gayla and Bill doing the Balloon toss game.  They got 3rd place
Whoops, they missed catching that water balloon and it broke

Video of Bill and Gayla in the Water Balloon toss game

Debbie and Paul ...they took our place as Area Reps and are doing such a great job
Bill always gets our National Evangelist Jane wet!  She usually gets him back.  She got more wet than he did this time.

In the morning we went for breakfast and at the top of this board it said, Bill see Jon.  Jon came out and brought Bill scrambled eggs freshly made with no cheese.  The buffet had only scrambled eggs with cheese.  Bill was so happy and that was so nice of Jon.  BayShore staff is the nicest and the best!  Now at dinner time, Fred wrote Extra Cheese for Bill.  We had to laugh.
Kenny, he and his wife Fran started the first CMA Chapter in Michigan
Gayla and Sandy out on Roberta’s Walk
Wes, Barb, Joel, Gayla, Ron, Cindy, Land Lew under Barb and Ron’s canopy
Bill, Wes and Barb

Bill MCing the evening service

Tiny announcing the totals for Bake Sale/auction for Run for the Son...over $700,
Registration over 250 in attendance, 
Awards given to Rhonda and Tater.  Rhonda usually wins, and this time was no different.  She is the champion of the bike games....

Gayla getting her and Bill’s award for the roadkill race
Kathy and Jeff handing out certificates for those who gave a thousand or more to “RFS” and also to chapters who gave over $5,000
Debbie and Paul handing out scavenger hunt awards
Lots of laughs
Debbie and Jane were very happy they won the blindfold golf cart race and got 1st place

Jay gave a great message

We both went to our Bible Studies and taught on being steadfast.  We had written out Scriptures and passed them out, Bill to his men’s group, and me to my women’s group, for them to read when we need them to be read.  We had lots of good discussion and it went really well.  I played the song “I Believe” by Charity Gayle at the end.  

Bill and I went to the dining hall for breakfast after the Bible Studies were done.  There was a note on the menu board for Bill to see Jon.  Jon came out and had scrambled eggs all made with no cheese.  Those on the buffet all had cheese in them.  That sure was thoughtful of Jon.  Bill let him know how much he appreciated it.  The breakfast was really good.  At noon, we went to the memorial service for those in our CMA chapters in Michigan who passed away in the last year.  Doug and Sue read the names and Kathy ran a bell after each name.  Those who knew the person said something about them.

Wes, Gayla and Joel came up for the day.  We visited with them for a while, then went to the dining hall so they could eat lunch.  We weren’t hungry yet, so we had lemonade and just sat and visited with them.  After lunch, we went into Goodies and shopped some.  

We visited at Barb and Ron’s with Wes, Joel, Gayla.  Ron and Barb were taking a nap so we didn’t bother to knock on their camper door.  They came outside after a while and visited with us too.  Then Lew and Cindy came to visit with us.  They had to leave and get back to Midland.  Gayla, Sandy and I went over to goodies to help pack up stuff in tubs.  Gayla walked and Sandy and I rode on the golf cart.  Sandy and I went into the Hospitality for a minute and saw that Fran was packing things up.  She had stuff we helped her carry and then she wheeled Kenny’s oxygen machine to the car.  We loaded everything in.  We were supposed to be in goodies at 4, but were about 10 minutes late. When we went in, they had everything packed up already.  They had started a half hour early and had lots of help so it was all done.  Gayla, Sandy and I went on the golf cart to show Sandy where the bay was and the cross in the woods.  Then we walked out on Roberta’s Walk and there was an eagle flying just as we got to the end by the water.  We visited with the Grand Rapid’s Chapter for a while, then went back to the Golf Cart.  I dropped Sandy off at the lodge where she was staying, then Gayla and I went back and got the guys and went to the dining hall to eat dinner.  They had baked chicken and red skinned potatoes, carrots and a delicious salad bar.
We were all full when we got done eating.  

We went into the tabernacle for worship and the service.  Awards for Bike Games, and for Run For the Sun Donations were given out.  New Members were given their colors.

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