Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday, 9/12/24, Happy heavenly birthday to my dad in heaven! Bill went to the VA at 8 and had breakfast with Jim F., both had 9 a.m. appointments, we met Barb and Ron at Pat’s Food Center, then they followed us to Luce Campground in McMillan for a CMA event Bill is speaking at. Set up next to Ron and Barb, beautiful campground, Alice and Belinda made chicken casserole and salad for everyone, I took banana cream pudding dessert, Bible study after, walked down by the lake, played 3-13

Happy Birthday to my dad in heaven!  He was the best!  He was a gift from God and changed my life.  

Ron and Barb, our wonderful traveling buddies 
Color on US 10 near Kimmy’s 
At the rest area
Color in the UP
It was beautiful by the Mackinac Bridge 
I always love crossing the bridge 
Mackinac Island 

We love the drive in US2 too
Our campsite before we set up at Luce Campground.  It’s beautiful here
We have a beautiful view

Got up early and got ready, then packed last minute things for our trip while Bill went to the VA to meet with Jim before their 9 a.m. appointments.  I made sure Kit Kat has a double supply of food in case a raccoon gets the back porch food on her.  Filled bird feeders, then fed my goldfish in the pond. Bill loaded the motorcycle onto the trailer, then we left to meet Ron and Barb, and Susie their cute little black dog.  Bill let the way, and did a great job.  We stopped once at a rest area, then went the rest of the way. What a beautiful day for a ride.  
We arrived at the campground and were blessed to see how beautiful it is.  I love being by the lake.  We got set up, relaxed for a bit and ate some delicious refreshing watermelon,  Alice called and invited us all to come have chicken casserole.  I quickly made banana cream pudding dessert to take.  We left and went to the church which is right around the corner from the campground entrance.  If was fun seeing people we know and meeting ones we didn’t know.  The pastor of the church had a good Bible Study on the fruit of the Spirit, so we stayed for that.
Alice took us on a tour of the church and other facilities.  It is really nice.  We came back to our campsite and talked to Ron and Barb for a while, then walked down by the water. I should have taken a picture but didn’t think of it.  
We read our Bibles and then played 3-13.  We were both negative, but I lost by 6 points.  It was fun though!  
We sat on the couch and relaxed after that.


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