Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, 9/16/24, Went to breakfast with Tina, Angie, Kimmy, Vikki,, and Bill, went to cemetery afterwards, Kimmy came over, I went to Brighton for my hand check up, went to Carol’s for Tony’s steak sandwiches


Tina, Bill and Angie at the Cracker Barrel

Me, Tina, Bill and Angie

Vikki, Angie, Tina, Me, Bill and Kimmy

Breakfast at Cracker Barrel....Vikki, Kimmy, bill, Me, Angie and Tina

Vikki, Angie, Tina and Kimmy

Debbie and Carol in front, Tina, Bill and Angie in back.  Bill 4 of his sisters.

We met Angie, Tina, Kimmy and Vikki at Cracker Barrel in Bridgeport at 9.  We got a table really quick, and had fun visiting and then had great food and coffee to enjoy while we visited more.  Vikki had to leave at 10:15 to go to work and Kimmy rode with her because her car was parked where Vikki works.  Bill, Tina, Angie and I went to the cemetery to find their mom, dad and brother Kenny’s graves.  It took a while, but we found them.  Bill and I headed home after that.  Kimmy got to our house about 2 minutes after we got there.  We hung out on the back deck while she was here.  We didn’t get hungry for lunch, because we were so full from breakfast.  Kimmy and I sat outside and Bill came home and said hi, then Kimmy had to leave to go to Jack’s to get meat before picking Adam up and I had to go to my appointment for my post hand surgery in Brighton.  Bill was going to meet his sisters, so I went by myself.  I had told him to visit with them because we only have 3 days to spend with them.  I got there, checked in (I had already preregistered online), sat down for 2 minutes and got called back in right away.  I was 15 minutes early too.  The girl took vitals and then put me in a room and said the doctor was finishing with a patient.  I waited about 5 minutes and he came in and checked out my hand.  He said it looks amazing and told me I don’t need to wear the splint to bed anymore.  He also said they like to see patients 3 months after their surgery date.  He set up an appointment, but told me if I’m not having any problems or pain, to just call and cancel the appointment.  I checked out and then left and set my GPS for Carol’s address, where Bill and his four sisters were meeting to eat Tony’s Steak sandwiches.  The traffic was crazy busy by the U of M Center, and it took a while to get two miles from it to the exit to the expressway, but once I was on the expressway the traffic was moving nicely.  I talked to Kimmy for half of the trip home so time passed quickly.  When I got to Carol’s, Bill was there and Angie and Tina were picking up our food.  Debbie came after she got out of work at 5:30.  We had a fun time and lots of laughs.  The food tasted so good.  It had been a while since all of us had had steak sandwiches.  Bill and I left at about 8:30 and so did Debbie.  I talked to Melissa on my way home. and then for a while after I was home.  Her dryer quit on her, so Bruce hooked her new dryer up for her.  She said it dries really fast and she really likes it.  Great timing to be blessed with an amazing washer/dryer/stove.  God’s timing is always right on time.  I read my Bible chapters.  God’s Word is so good!  

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