Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday, 9/2/24, Al gave a message during the morning service, Jay closed the service. we said goodbye to those who left after the service. In the afternoon, Doug, Sue, Ron, Barb, Ron, Bev, Rod and Joyce, Jim, Wendy, and Sean went for a nice ride to Port Sanilac, at Lunch at the Lakeside Grill, then rode back along the Circle drive, Had a campfire at night with everyone at Bev and Ron's

Closing service on Monday morning

Al giving the morning message.  It was his first time and he did great.
Bill closing the service
Jim, Barb, Ron, Sue, Doug on left.  Sean, Wendy, me, Bev and Ron on right

View from the other direction
Bill had on transitional glasses that have a tiny camera on them.  He took this picture of Bev when she went to take a bite of her burger.  We didn’t know he was taking it.  We will be watching from now on.

Loved riding by Lake Huron on our way back to BayShore

We went to the morning service.  Hugged and said goodbye to friends who were leaving today.  Bill had to go to the office and close things out with Tiny who handles the finances for CMA Michigan.  At noon, we went for a ride with Doug, Sue, Bev, Ron, Jim, Sean, Wendy, Ron, Barb, Bill and I.  It was a beautiful day.  We went to Port Sanilac and the restaurant we went to last year that we liked, was closed for the day.  We found another restaurant there, the Lakeside Grill, and it was very good.  Bill and I got perch dinners and it was delicious.  We enjoyed lunch and great fellowship.

We left and drove along Lake Huron for a while which I always love doing.  It was a nice ride and fun day.  In the evening, we all went to Bev and Ron’s for a nice campfire.  Mike, Gail, Teri, Bill, Julie, Phil, Joyce, Rod, Sean, Wendy, Jim, Bev, and Bill and I were there.  
We had fun talking and laughing and enjoying the fire.  We went back to our camper at around 9.  We played 3-13 and I really lost bad this time.  I didn’t win once all the time we were there.  

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