Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, 9/9/24,, Up early today, went to Post Office, took one of Peyton’s Birthday gifts to Kohls to return to Amazon, went to Aldi’s, shampooed family room, did some cleaning, picked garden, Vikki and kids came over,

Roses Bill surprised me with yesterday!  He got me the sweetest card too!  He had them sitting in the garage.  I was FaceTiming with Kimmy and Jared and noticed them.  Kimmy thought maybe he was going to take them in the house, but I could tell he had set the card up for me to find them.  In the morning we had said we each hadn’t gotten each other a card or gift with being so busy, so wouldn’t.  Then he went and did this.  

Happy to have the carpet shampooed.  It looks so nice.  Lots of shadows in this picture.
The zinnias are so beautiful now

Big watermelon we picked today.  It’s in the refrigerator getting cold.  Then Bill will cut it up.
Our pumpkin and squash patch.  15 nice sized pumpkins in it.
Our carpet rose has sure grown and has so many blossoms
I love this picture Isaac took of some blossoms on it

I got up early today.  I filled out my friend Vikki and her hubby’s Anniversary Card so I could get it in the mail today.  Their anniversary is on the 11th.  I listened to worship music while I did my hand exercises. Bill and I read our Bibles.  I went to the post office to mail the card since I had to return an Amazon package I am returning of Peyton’s.  Then I went to Aldi’s for a few quick things.  I ate the other half of my Slim Greg Sandwich when I got home, then I shampooed the family room carpet.  Bill reversed the door on my washer, but it wouldn’t work when I tried it.  He took it apart and tried to fix it, but it still wouldn’t work.  He put it back on the other side and it worked perfect. Weird.  I pulled a few weeds in the flower garden today.  Sat on the deck with Kit Kat for a while and enjoyed the nice weather.  Also put some things in the attic and put some stuff upstairs away.  Washed all of the light fixtures in the upstairs bathroom.  They were looking pretty dirty.  Bill got them down for me so I could wash them.  I did more hand exercises.  Then Bill and I took an hour nap.  He had to do a zoom meeting with Jay and the National Children’s Leaders.  It went well.  I picked the garden and got lots of tomatoes, peppers, and we got quite a bit of corn.
Also picked two watermelons.  I had Vikki come pick up some.  It was nice seeing her and the kids.  We talked to Kimmy while she was here too.  We also listened to a great worship song.  Vikki loves the kind of worshipful worship I love. 


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