Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday, 9/29/24, Went to prayer, than taught Sunday School, my niece, Ahmeh got baptized, Matthew had surgery to remove kidney stone, Bruce went to Med Express, then to ER, picked pumpkins and squash, pulled weeds, Evan and Jack came over

Pumpkins, squash and tiny pumpkins we picked today
Jared dropped Jack off on his way back home after the boys went to the show
Evan with the tiny pumpkins he picked out
Evan carved that tiny pumpkin and did a good job
Evan lighting up the pumpkin on the porch after dark

 I got up first and got ready, then went over my Sunday school lesson again.  Bill got up at 8:30 and got ready, then we left and went to prayer.  It was Pastor’s birthday today, Marie’s, and Samuel’s...he turned 18.    Worship was really good.  After worship the kids were dismissed, so we went back and I taught Sunday School.  It was a good lesson about Elijah today.  The kids were so good, and I had the best helpers...Kris and also a friend of Peyton’s, whose name is different and I can never remember it.  

We talked to Vikki, Christine, Ruth, Roy and Marie and their extended family Doug and Carol who were visiting.  Pastor Ken came over and talked with us too.  We came home after church and Debbie called me and let me know Matthew in surgery.  She also let me know when he was in recovery. He was doing good and drinking so they said he would be able to go home.  Yay!  Bruce has been having pain and spasms in his back.  His hand and fingers went numb and the pain was bad today, so he went to Med Express.  They said it could be he had a heart attack, so sent him to ER to get checked out there.  They did EKG’s and other tests and determined that it wasn’t his heart.  It was muscle spasms and pain, so gave him medication and sent him home.  We were all sure happy it wasn’t his heart.  We are continuing to pray for healing from the pain and spasms.  

I did get some great news from my great niece, Ahmeh.  She messaged me that she got baptized today.  This was such exciting news.  She said she has never felt such constant joy as this.  I know that feeling well!!!  She has been reading the Bible with her dad (my nephew Mark) who is in Vietnam.  What happened to us when we read God’s Word, happened to her.  She was born again as the Bible says and now can see the Kingdom of God.  You become new as the Bible says.  Old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.  It’s the best thing that can ever happen to a person.  I sure was rejoicing with her when she told me.  God gives you new desires, and takes things that are not pleasing to Him away.  Anyway this great news and her giving God all the glory made my day.!!!!!

Jared took Eli, Jack and Evan to see a movie.  He picked them up afterwards and dropped Jack and Evan off at our house.  We had told Melissa one of us would bring them home so it would save Jared driving and time.  I was happy to see the boys, so took some pictures of them.  I offered them some spaghetti, but neither one was hungry.  They took some home with them.  Evan picked out a small pumpkin and took it home and carved it.  None of us thought he would be able to carve it because it was so tiny, but he did a great job.  I loved talking to him later and seeing how he lit it when I was FaceTiming with him and Melissa.  He’s always such a happy cheerful kid and makes people happy just being around him.  It was nice to talk to Jack and catch up on what he’s been doing.  He did a great job restoring his bike and told us about it.  He is super talented at stuff like that.  

I texted lots and posted on the church prayer page and on Facebook and updated everyone on Matthew, Bruce and Ahmeh today so kept very busy.  We also picked all the pumpkins after we saw a critter had ate one.  We picked the tiny pumpkins and squash too.  We loaded them in the cart behind the John Deere and Bill hauled them up by the house and sprayed them down.  I scrubbed what didn’t come off and I sprayed them down a second time. We got lots of squash out of the garden too.  Bill and I pulled lots of tall weeds out of the garden too and put them in the cart.  I picked up my stuff from edging the garden the other day too, and filled two yard waste cans.   We were glad to rest after that and talk and FaceTime with Melissa and Evan.  

I worked on my blog after that.

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