Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday, 9/30/24, Met Maddy at Biggby, Bruce and Max came to get some pumpkins and squash, Misty came to get corn stalks, finished edging the flower garden

Finished the rest of the edging.  I’m thinking my flower garden could look very different when we get back from our trip if we get a frost 
Bill cut down the rest of the corn stalks....just need to pull the onions out now
He cut down the pumpkin, squash and cucumber garden too.
I got up before Bill so I could get ready and go meet Maddy.  We met at Biggby.  She brought baby Mason with her.  Alec was home with Brielle.  We had a nice visit while we drank our specialty coffees, other than there was a lady sitting in the corner two tables over from us, that kept trying to talk to me.  I talked with her but couldn’t hear her very good because the music was loud.  I was facing Maddy and she was behind Maddy, so it was pretty distracting.  I did ask her if she knew Jesus as her Lord and Savior and she said yes.  
I loved holding Mason.  He was so cute and smiley.  He’s 4 months old now.  
I went to the Dollar Store and got some cards and some Welch’s drink mix singles.  
Read my Bible when I got home while sitting on the deck.  Kit Kat was right there with me.  Bill had read his Bible earlier.  Bruce was still in lots of pain today.  The medicine doesn’t seem to be helping much he said.  He and Max came to pick up pumpkins.  He took squash too.  I picked out nice pumpkins for Peyton and Isaac and one for my turkey head and feathers.  The rest are going out by the road to sell.  Misty came while Bruce was here to pick up some corn stalks.  She took quite a few which she loves to do each year and we love having her do.  Bill power washed the motor home and the shed.  He did the driveway up by the house too.  Then he mowed the yard.  After that he cut down the stuff in the garden that’s done for.  He got lots done.  I edged the rest of the garden so the stuff I dug up could go out in yard waste tomorrow.  Hauled some stuff out to the camper for our trip.  Tomorrow will be main  shopping day and packing day and Thursday will be last minute packing day.  Wednesday is saved for going with Kimmy and Vikki to Frankenmuth for lunch for their Birthday Celebration and free yummy family style meals.  I am looking forward to getting their pot pie and sharing their side dishes which the waitresses/waiters have always let me do.  We go to Bronner’s to get Couldn’t talk to Vikki til later because of Verizon not having service for many customers.  I was glad Melissa, Kimmy and mine worked...Bill’s too!


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